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The Vine: January 21, 2025

Submitted by on January 21, 2025 – 8:53 AM6 Comments

First of all, welcome back! I kept TN in my bookmark bar hoping you’d be back. :-)

The question is about a book that might be a fever dream. I read this book more than 20 years ago, and it was probably not a new book at the time. In my head, I thought that it was a Dean Koontz book and that it was in the compilation of his with Watchers. I love Watchers. I’ve read it multiple times. The other two books I probably only read 1x each.

from a Gorey event promo at the Sturgis Library in Barnstable, MA
from a Gorey event promo at the Sturgis Library in Barnstable, MA

I have since gotten a new copy of the compilation with Watchers and this book isn’t one of them. Also, my MIL is a librarian and I have stumped her with this also. 

Things I remember: 

  • There was an older man and an older woman (not sure how old “older” is though. I was young at the time). They didn’t know each other at the start of the book I don’t think. They met and by the end I think they are a couple. 
  • There is some sort of reaper goblin creature with gold scissors that goes around cutting the strings of everyone’s life line which is attached to a soul balloon. I remember specifically, the goblin thing cut the life of a flower and a dog, in addition to people. 
  • The couple somehow gain the ability to drink other people’s life force. Like not to kill them, but it does make them younger for short periods of time. 
  • When they suck the life force from someone, that person hears phantom noises. I remember there was a waitress in a diner and they sucked her life and she yelled in the back for the cook to stop banging around the pots and pans. 

And that’s pretty much it. It sounds insane. And I cannot figure out what it is. Thoughts?H

Dear H,

It’s been a lonnnng time since I read horror regularly, so other readers should feel free to correct me — but that sounds Straub-y to me, versus Koontz-y?

Various search strings got me to this forum, which had a couple of suggestions that sound similar to yours but not bang-on. This should be enough detail for the readers to find it, though…readers?

(Send YOUR questions to bunting at tomatonation dot com! Answers go in the comments, which are moderated, so be cool. xo Bunts)

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  • Longtime Fan says:

    I think this is Stephen King, Insomnia. I love this book.

  • Amy says:

    Definitely King’s “Insomnia,” such a good book!

  • Heather (Original Poster) says:

    MY DUDE!!! That is the book! That’s it. Absolutely! Amazing!! I am so happy. Thank you so much. Its been bugging me for years. I literally emailed Dean Koonz the other day because I was desperate. Thank you so much. I would love to buy you a drink. :-)

  • Cat_slave says:

    Oh, I was just saying the other day that I miss Tomato Nation so much and here is a Vine for us. Such a nice gift in these trying times. I could even have answered the question, but no need :-)

  • Marie says:

    I love that I also read Insomnia like 20+ years ago (right when it came out), and immediately knew this. The grey matter is not dead! (Also, Koontz/King/Staub fans in middle school, unite!)

  • Heather (Original Poster) says:

    I should be working so… obviously I am writing about this book from 30 YEAR AGO! It was published in 1994. Which is crazy to me, how can this book be 30 years old, and I’m still 17? Marie, make it make sense.

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