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Home » The Vine

The Vine: July 5, 2006

Submitted by on July 5, 2006 – 3:43 PMNo Comment


I’ve never cooked with key limes, but I would think the reader could squeeze each lime, put the juice of each into an individual ice cube compartment in a tray, freeze it, pop out and into a freezer bag, and thus have key lime juice for recipes for months to come rather than use them in one fell swoop (premeasured — one cube = “juice of one lime” in the recipes!).


Dear CP,

Many people suggested juicing and freezing; more suggestions and recipes sources appear below. As always, suggestions that came in more than once get an asterisk.**
Search for recipes***
Throw a margarita/mojito/daiquiri party*
Drink lots of Coronas*
Use them in a marinade
Key Lime Desserts (substitute limes),1977,FOOD_9936_14465,00.html,1977,FOOD_9936_31640,00.html,,FOOD_9936_30691,00.html


Most mornings I go to the gym before work. My friend and I were talking the other day and I mentioned that I had shaved my legs in the shower at the gym. She was horrified and said that it’s “unhygienic” and that they have signs at her gym forbidding the practice. I don’t do it often at the gym, but some days I do need to be freshly shaven. Should I be doing it the night before at home? Also, I’m unclear on how this is unhygienic, it’s not like we don’t have hair come out when it’s being washed (gross, I know, but sometimes in public showers you just have to not think about it!). Everything gets rinsed away, right? And we have little private showers at my gym, so it’s not as if anyone has to watch me do it. I’ve seen other people do it! What’s the ruling on this? Thank you.

I hope I’m not gross

Dear Gross,

On top of the little hairs, you’ve got the sloughed-off dead skin, plus the possibility that you’ll cut yourself, and bleed, or that someone else did, and now your feet are planted in the backwash…I don’t belong to a gym, and this kind of thing is a big part of the reason. I’d just do it at home.


I have a question of a social nature. In the hope of meeting some new people to hang out with after my current very good friend moves across the country for school, I’ve been thinking about asking some people I’m kind of friends with to come over and hang out for a movie night. I have a big-screen TV and comfy couches but my question is two-fold.

1) How do I invite a boy I’ve only talked to a few times to come and hang out and not have it sound like I’m asking them on a date?

2) If I invite these people over with the promise of say pizza and a movie, am I obligated to buy the pizza or ask everyone to chip in?

I’m not lacking in girls to invite but I’m not very socially experienced. How much notice to give for something casual like this is standard? Personally, I’d love if someone called me up the day before or day of with a fun group thing planned but I don’t go out much.

I like boys but don’t want them to know I like them

Dear Like,

1. It’s pizza and a movie, with a group; what he thinks is up to him, but the fact is, if you do Like Him like him, it’s not the worst thing in the world if he does think it’s a date of sorts. You can’t control what conclusions he draws; if you want him there, ask him, and take it from there, but you’re not inviting him to a prom, so he’ll probably understand what’s going on without you having to massage the implications.

2. If you invite people over for an event, you should assume that you’re shouldering the cost of refreshments. If people offer to chip in, it’s fine for you to take a few bucks if you need to, but as the host, you’re expected to provide whatever you said you would on the invitation and not pass the hat — especially if they aren’t close friends yet.

For a casual event like this, I’d mention it a few days to a week beforehand; if you wait too long, often people have other plans and can’t come.

But if it’s really casual, be casual. Don’t overthink it.


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