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Home » The Vine

The Vine: May 20, 2003

Submitted by on May 20, 2003 – 9:20 AMNo Comment

Dear Sars,

I’ve got mom
problems.Yeah, I know we all do, but this seems like something that I
need some outside help on.Here’s the story.

A while back, Allen (my
boyfriend) moved in with my mother and me.Allen and I soon discovered
that my mother was in serious financial trouble, and that her house was
being foreclosed upon.We did all we could to help her out (money-wise,
as well as support and trying to find resources to help her), but in the
end, the house was sold at auction.The good news is that it sold for
more than what the mortgage company wanted, so we got some money to
find a new home with.

So, my mother, Allen and I go house-hunting, to
find a home to rent for all three of us and our zoo of pets.We found a
place that my mother loved.Allen and I thought the rent was too high,
but after several conversations with my mother, it became apparent that
we were moving in, no matter what.So we did.For a while, things
went well.Allen and I worked as the economy allowed, and we scraped
by, using our savings to supplement our income.After about eight months,
Allen and I broke up.Allen had promised my mother that if he and I
ever broke up, he would stay the term of the lease, no matter what.

Well, as you might have guessed, Allen bailed.I personally don’t
blame him, and I was shocked that my mother put the pressure on him to
promise something like that in the first place.After many mean things
were said on both sides, Allen and I reconciled, and have resumed very
cautious dating.My mother and I are now in a terrible financial
position.We can’t afford the place we’re living in.We’ve tried
everything we can think of to make it work, and it just won’t.I even
tried to get a loan from a bank on my car, but that didn’t work.Bear
in mind please that the budget my mother and I worked out was not
something I thought would work in the first place, but I went along
with trying to get the loan because I knew the bank wouldn’t give me
the amount I wanted, and I could use a free credit report.

Mom realized about a week ago that Allen and I had resumed dating, and was
constantly simmering about it.She finally exploded at me one night,
and demanded that I stop seeing him or move out.She also said a lot
of mean, hurtful, and deliberately manipulative things, which makes it
even harder, because she does know how to push my buttons.I chose to
move out.For a few days, I stayed with friends, to see if the
situation calmed down, and to maybe work things out with my mother.We
spoke last night, and she was fine with the idea of me moving out, and
even took care of me this morning when I woke up with a migraine.
Today, she exploded when we spoke again of me moving out, and told me
that I was betraying her, leaving her when she needed me the most, and
making a choice that I would regret for the rest of my life.

Now I
realize that breaking the lease is bad, and that it’s going to go on my
credit report, but I still think it’s better than getting a loan from a
finance company and losing my car in the process.I love my mom a lot.
I can’t deal with her controlling my life any more, and I refuse to
let her drag me down with her into the black hole that is her financial
situation.In addition, she blames Allen for the entire situation
(even though when he moved out, although he wasn’t working, he borrowed
an entire month’s rent, plus bills, so that we would have the rent for
that month).

I might be inclined to blame Allen if he had worked the
entire time he lived with us, but instead he received unemployment
checks.This isn’t to say that he didn’t look for work, because he
did, every day.There just isn’t a whole lot of work to be found at
the moment.So, back to the meat of the story — is it acceptable to
bail on a lease I feel I was forced into by someone who wants to
control my life to the max?I realize that at 22 I don’t know
everything, but I think I know a sinking ship when I see it.Is it my
responsibility to go down with it?I know this is a tough issue, and a
long one, so feel free to edit or ask me any questions to clarify the
situation.Any of your thoughts on this would be wonderful!

Sick of the Mama-Drama

Dear Sick,

Get out of there.Run.Run far.Run fast.Do not look back.

Your mother is an adult.I don’t see why you stuck your hand into the situation in the first place, and I certainly don’t see why you stuck Allen’s hand in for him, or why you would even conceive of laying “blame” for this mess at his feet, since it’s pretty much entirely of your and your mother’s making, but in any case…enough already.

Do what you have to do to remove yourself from the lease, the living situation, and your mother’s domineering cone of manipulation, with as little damage to your own credit as possible.Do not try to save your mother.Do not try to help your mother.She’s proven her self-absorption and ungratefulness in spades.Stop rewarding her for it.

I understand your desire to help her, but this isn’t helping either of you.Recommend a debt counselor for her and go live your own life.Your mother can fuck up her own life without any input from you.

Hey Sars,

I’ll make this a short one. I have a friend who flirts a lot. I get a certain buzz when she flirts with me, even though it’s never anything more than innocent flirtation. Somehow, however, I’ve recently become exceedingly jealous when she flirts with other people, no matter how innocent it is. I have very little idea where this comes from — I know it’s a totally innocent thing, yet I get damn near enraged. I don’t even want to bring it up with said parties, because I don’t want them thinking I can’t handle the “adult”-ness of it.

So, in short, jealous over something I really shouldn’t be, not sure what to do. Any advice beyond simply “get over it”?

Jealousy, Hates Company

Dear Jealousy,

You haven’t told me much of use here, so…no, not really.I mean, do you dig the girl That Way?Do you just generally need to be the center of attention all the time?I’ve got no context for your feelings, so I don’t know what to tell you.

I do think you should try to suck it up, though, regardless of what else is going on.It’s just flirting.She’s…just flirty.It’s not about you.Let it go.

Dear Sars,

I need some advice, please.My boyfriend and I are in a long -distance relationship.He’s actually been gone longer than he was
here.This is not really the problem.

He doesn’t think that I am
jealous enough.He is constantly telling me about girls and then
asking me if I am jealous.He is upset when my response isn’t
vehement enough.The deal is, I AM jealous, but I am mature enough
to trust him.Besides, quite frankly, if he wants someone else, she
can have him.I’m not going to stroke his ego and fight over him.
Should I express a little bit of jealousy occasionally, and make him
happy, or should I rebel against his manipulative behavior and tell
him to grow up?Thanks.

Not green enough

Dear More Of A Bluish-Green,

Tell him what you just told me — no, you don’t love it when he’s hanging out with other girls, but you can’t do anything about it, and you trust him.If he’s not willing to leave it at that, and to trust you in turn to care about him, then maybe he should find himself a woman who’s more into immature head-games and acting like she lives in a soap opera.

You should probably say it more nicely than that, but one way or another, put paid to it.

Dear Sars,

I was engaged to my First Love when I was 17.We both went off to colleges
in separate states, and (I know you’re shocked at this part) it didn’t work
out.I broke it off with him near the end of our freshman year.It was
messy and I knew I’d hurt him awfully, but I also knew I was doing the
right thing.

I’d see him every now and again over the next four
years.The last time I saw him, he told me two things that have really
stuck with me.He said I had hurt him so badly, he wasn’t even able to be
close friends with guys, let alone women.He then told me, “You do know
that we’re never going to be together again, don’t you?” and I guess up
until that point, I had sort of assumed that we would, someday, once we’d
both done some growing up.

Fast forward to now, seven years since that last night I saw him.I’ve
been happily married to a lovely man for three years, but First Love still
haunts me.I find myself thinking of him more often than I think I should
— usually after I’ve had a dream about him.These seem to occur about once
a month or so.I know that trying to contact him isn’t the right thing to
do.It seems like that would be horribly mean, since I did hurt him so
badly, and I’m sure he’s been happy to put our relationship behind him.Not
to mention that I’m not sure what I’d want from him in the first place if I
did contact him.To know that he’s doing well?I don’t know.I guess
what I’d really like is to quit dreaming about him.Do you have any advice
on how to banish a lost love?

Sleeping with Shadows

Dear Shadows,

I’ve said it before, because I believe it’s the truth — your first love gets under your skin and stays there in a way no love after that can.It’s like a tattoo you’ve had removed; the ink is gone, but the scarring is still there.

Okay, that metaphor is little bleaker than what I had in mind when I started out, but whatever — I think what’s going on here is that you don’t feel satisfied by the way things ended between you.You want him to think well of you, and you know that he doesn’t; maybe you have other things going on in your life that have you feeling nostalgic for First Love or for that time in your life.It happens, and it’s not really anything to worry about — it doesn’t necessarily signal trouble in paradise in re: your marriage or anything — so I would just accept it as something that’s going on in your head right now, and let it fade at its own pace.

But I’d like you to keep in mind that the guilt trip he laid on you is childish and inappropriate.He can’t make guy friends because of a break-up that happened a presidential term ago?Girl, please.That suggests to me that he’s got bigger problems than you.Try not to feel responsible for his drama-club isolation routine; that’s his lookout.

Dear Sars,

I’m a college co-ed, and I’ve found my dream college boyfriend. He’s cute, he’s funny, he’s intelligent. I’m glad I’ve got him, and I couldn’t be happier.


He has a tendency to become what I call Mr. Enlightened Buddha Guy from time to time. It’s the only thing about him I can’t stand. He just takes his interest in Eastern philosophy a bit too far, thinks he’s the shit cause he’s not buying into “Western” ideals. Most recently, he’s decided that it would be interesting for him to: 1) fast during daylight hours; 2) abstain from listening to music, watching the television, using a computer, or sex; and finally and most annoyingly, 3) abstain from talking, any kind of talking that’s not something short and necessary scribbled on a notecard. In theory it doesn’t seem like much to deal with, right?

I was never very impressed with the idea to begin with, but he batted his green eyes at me and said, “I wish you’d support me about this,” and I caved. Now it’s two days in and I find myself increasingly frustrated with the whole thing. I can handle the fast, I can handle him not using technology, I can even handle him taking up celibacy (briefly), but I can’t stand him not talking. I’m a verbal person; talking is how I become close to someone. Now I see him, and all I can do is wave and give him a hug. I hate it. This is the first time I’ve thought of breaking up with him (though not very seriously), because this whole situation feels like it was dreamed up on the short bus to me.

He and I live in different cities whenever we’re not at college, and I can handle not seeing him. I can even handle not talking to him for days on end. And yet this fast has me feeling awkward and angry. This is something he might be doing twice a year, and I am NOT looking forward to dealing with this in the future. So I’m torn, while this isn’t killing me, it isn’t making me very happy either. Should I put my foot down or should I let him have his “enlightened” fun?

Ticked in Texas

Dear TNT,

Before I get to the real advice…please, please stop calling yourself a “co-ed.”It’s 2003.Thanks.

Okay.I do not blame you one bit for thinking your boy’s Garden Of Zen thing is Smurfy.It is Smurfy, and kind of pretentious as well, from where I sit, and he’s probably going to grow out of it…but on the other hand, just because it’s Smurfy doesn’t mean that it isn’t something he needs to do for himself right now, even if he’s going to look back on it in five years and blush.It’s annoying, sure, and it’s an inconvenience for you, but when you love someone, you roll your eyes and tolerate stuff like that now and then.Well, unless he’s also threatening to grow white-guy dreads, in which case…lace up the boot but quick.

So, here’s what I’d do.Sit him down and…uh, hand him a notecard that reads, “Honey, I do support your need to do this, and I want you to do it and to have fun, and when it’s over, I can’t wait to see you and hear all about it.”Just give him a smooch and leave him to it for a few days.Easy as that.

And try not to think of it as something he’s doing to you.He’s just doing it.I think you resent that he won’t give in because it’s irritating to you, but that’s not a constructive approach to take here for either of you, so accept that he has meditation to get through for a few days and go hang out with your other friends.

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