Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Oh wise one in the ways of many things fashionable (bow, scrape), can you or the readers recommend a good eye-makeup remover? I’ve finally gotten the hang of putting on eye liner (bless the Mary …
From Jerry Crasnick’s piece on Roger Clemens’s chances for the Hall:
“I would vote for Bonds on the first ballot, as I would vote for Clemens, because the Hall of Fame isn’t church,” Ratto said. “It’s …
And to all a good Nite! GN’s next show is Wednesday, December 19 at Crash Mansion. (It’s not listed on the site, which is irritating, so feel free to email CM HQ to mention that.) …
Motivational Techniques In Holiday-Shopping Completion: A Seminar By H. Callahan
I wonder how many people actually sit down to watch Dirty Harry anymore — it seems like one of those movies people don’t bother seeing, because …
I was getting a pedicure the other day and reading a copy of People magazine that had the gift guide in it.There was an ad for a baseball quiz book that had a …’s piece on the imminent Mitchell report on steroids in baseball is long, but comprehensive and worth the time. My sense has been for a while that the report would do very little, save to …
I’m in a bit of an awkward situation and I could use some perspective.
It’s complicated, but I’ll try to break it down. Here’s the cast of characters: the Boyfriend, the Best Friend and their respective …
Hi Sars,
I’m looking for a horror movie I saw on TV as a kid sometime in the early ’80s — it could even have been a TV movie. It was about a house that kills …
“That’ll teach me to leave a broad alone with a bottle of scotch and a Topsy Tail. Never again, Mac.”
I finally made it through this one last week, despite Humphrey Bogart’s well-documented Ambien-esque effect …
“I still haven’t heard from you about the prize I won/donated in the contest!”
I’m so sorry about that; I know it’s taking a long time. The system I’m using to distribute the prizes is designed …