Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Prospective Replacements For Bob Barker On The Price Is Right:
Bob Vila
PROS: Hiring another dude named Bob could ease the transition for announcer Burton Richardson; Vila’s home-renovation expertise is handy for contestants unsure of how …
When it comes to crying in public in New York City, you have two schools of thought: 1) that it’s terribly lonely and sad that nobody ever stops to ask after the cryer; and 2) …
Hi there Sars —
As my kids are getting towards that age when the words begin to matter more than the pictures, I’ve started a collection of my favorite “chapter” books such as The Hobbit, A …
I can’t decide whose home-run call is worse: John Sterling’s (“IT is high, IT is far, IT iiiiiis…GAHN! Home run, [player name]!”) or Michael Kay’s (“Track; wall; see ya!”). Forced to choose, I would vote …
“Family Values”:
You know that scene in Zoolander when they introduce David Bowie to judge the walk-off, and they freeze-frame on him with a subtitle reading “David Bowie” and a chord from “Let’s Dance”? This is …
Dear Sars,
Which sentence is correct: “One of my favorite things about my church are the stained glass windows,” or “One of my favorite things about my church is the stained glass windows”? Should I use …
It’s slow to get rolling, and I came thisclose to turning it off, because a couple of the initial fight sequences looked fake on the level of high-school-play slap choreography. But the payoff is very …
[Updated 6/2/07 with honorable mention entries.]
Below, the winner of the “An Imprisoned Fish” mini-contest. The entry contains all the hallmarks of the SA style: randomly capitalized and quaintly hyphenated words and phrases (“Champagne Punch,” “boy-friend”); …
Hi Sars,
I love the practical turn The Vine has taken, and I’m hoping between you and your readers I can get a recommendation for a good book. I work for a magazine that is finally …
“If PBS Had A Movie-Awards Gala…”
A star-studded, faintly mothball-scented evening of battles and ball gowns, the Hissies — hosted by Doris Kearns Goodwin, who will allegedly write her own material — celebrate the epic stories …