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Home » Baseball


Submitted by on May 22, 2007 – 10:31 PM57 Comments

I don’t know the guy, obviously; for all I know, he reads Wordsworth and is a member of PFLAG. But if we’re talking physical presentation, I challenge you to find me a bigger meathead than Jason Giambi. With the mullet, dripping as it always is with sweat even on the chilliest October evening, and the perma-stubble, and the piggy little eyes…I mean, did anyone else see that pic of him from the Times today with his tongue hanging out?

Okay, Giambi in his current roid-less iteration pales in comparison to the fat-marbled beefiness of the Oakland days — and I should probably confess here, before the Couch Baron outs me in the comments, that although Giambi is so necklessly frat-tastic I half expect him to whip out a funnel whenever he safely reaches base, I think he’s kind of hot for some reason, or I used to before he entered this unacceptable suburban-guitar-teacher tonsorial slough of despond.

But my contention stands: Giambi is baseball’s Meatiest Valuable Player. Anyone who cares to nominate an opposition candidate in the comments should 1) link to a photo and 2) confine his or her (probably futile) argument to active players.

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