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Home » Baseball, The Vine

The Vine: February 15, 2008

Submitted by on February 15, 2008 – 10:27 AM7 Comments

Dear Sars:

Maybe you can help me find a baseball book. I saw it a couple weeks ago in Barnes & Noble. It was a book about baseball, but specifically about the hidden rules or etiquette that the players use on each other. Like why a player might bean another player in the back on purpose during the course of the game. It’s a recent book but I have no idea the name or who wrote it, or if its even been out longer than five years. I was busy at the time and when I
went back it was gone. Help!


Dear L,

I hope the readers know what you’re talking about, because that book sounds rad and I’d like to read it myself. So, in honor of the arrival of pitchers and catchers, and a week spent mulling the ups and downs of Roger Clemens’s buttcheek…readers? Any idea what this book is?

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