Articles in Culture and Criticism
Okay, let’s start with the title card: “The Lord’s of Flatbush.” ACK! So, there’s that. There’s also the faux-fties music, which is so cheesy and wedding-band bad, and I don’t get it — you paid …
It took us a while to get into it and start piecing together what’s going on; the background of the Hoskins character still isn’t clear, at least to me, and the accents gave us some …
It is, do not kid yourself, right up on that line where “quirky” becomes “shticky,” but the acting saves it.Every member of the cast is utterly lovable and familiar, and there isn’t a false acting …
It’s not bad, but it felt like a lot got glossed over, like they had to rush to fit everything in, and all of a sudden he’s dead and it’s like, whoa, how’d we get …
If I ever have to get a divorce from Sam Rockwell, Robbie Robertson is my next husband. Oh, shut up. He had really good rock and roll hair, okay? Plus, if he can play that …
I watched the bulk of it weeks ago, but then my TiVo spazzed and cut off the last ten minutes, so I had to order it in from Netflix, and as I suspected, I didn’t …
The whole love-story element between Deneuve and Depardieu really seems to come out of nowhere; show, don’t tell, Truffaut. But the rest of the movie is very compelling and so lovely just to look at. …
It’s for work, which allowed me to watch it with less hatred than I might have felt otherwise, but my Lord, what a paint-by-numbers bore. Joaquin is good, and Jacinda Barrett is surprisingly okay, but…oh, …
I’d never seen the 1933 version, and honestly, I can’t tell you to bother; if you do, feel free to skip parts, because at an hour and 45 minutes, it’s just too long, and you’re …
Blech. Confusing, dull, and overly PC. Edward Norton’s character is kind of interesting, but once he dies, snoozerama. (9/8/06)