Articles in Culture and Criticism
I expected it to be really overrated, especially Heath Ledger, and I am thrilled to report that it was excellent, and that Ledger is really a treat to watch — just an amazing performance, and …
“Edge of Reazzzzzzz,” maybe. Dreadful sequel. It just recycled the showpiece bits from the first one, which weren’t terribly funny to begin with, and made Bridget into a self-absorbed twit where she used …
I’d put off watching it — it’s one of those movies everyone raves about that you have a feeling you just won’t like — but it’s really good. I would have swapped in more …
If you’ve never seen this gem of ’70s TV-moviemaking, you should really rectify that ASAP. It is by turns hilarious, creepy, annoying, actively uncomfortable to watch, and maddening — look, just because you’re stuck …
That kind of “free spirit helps uptight guy loosen up” business is so tired, or should be, but the lead performances by Turturro and Rockwell are so charming that it seemed new. Darling movie; …
I liked Roger & Me; I loved TV Nation. It’s not that I disagree with Moore’s beliefs, or think he “ought to” be more objective if he’s going to call it a documentary, blah …
I’d never seen it before, and I liked it well enough, but not to sit and watch; it’s better as a movie that you have on in the background and you can go in and …
Strange picture. The pacing is odd, but it works — at least until the last ten minutes, when the movie punks out with the wrap-up montage. Binoche is either a brilliant actress or …
I found it enjoyable to watch the story unfold, but at the same time, I didn’t care about the characters all that much, which may be the point, but I don’t know. I …
…Eh. I liked it better than High Anxiety, but I have a lot of the same complaints — too slow, lots of sequences that kind of aren’t joking, too much Madeline Kahn for no …