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Culture and Criticism

From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.

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Articles in Culture and Criticism

Empire State
May 23, 2005 – 10:08 AM | No Comment

The following essay is riddled with both Sith spoilers and process discussion, so if you want to avoid either, bail out now.
So, Revenge of the Sith. Where to begin, really.
The early eighties is as good …

Girls’ Bike Club VIII: You Had Me At “Heh”
May 2, 2005 – 10:05 AM | One Comment

Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: …Dude.
Wing Chun: …I know.
Sarah: Dude.
Wing Chun: I know.
Sarah: You know that scene in Jason and the Argonauts with the skeletons?
Wing Chun: I…don’t think so.
Sarah: With the, where they’re swarming?
Wing Chun: I’d remember …

The Laws With No Names
April 25, 2005 – 10:04 AM | One Comment

It’s not often that a date that starts with margaritas strays into Googling the phrase “Nazis end argument,” but hey, it’s not that often that a date includes a blue Cosby sweater and Algerian conspiracy …

Ronco Dependent
April 18, 2005 – 10:03 AM | 2 Comments

I recently got cable hooked up in my home office, which is both a huge productivity drain and completely awesome, as I can now watch unlimited Cops reruns and classic Family Feuds while I work …

Grieco Is Burning
April 11, 2005 – 10:02 AM | No Comment

How often do you end up talking about Richard Grieco three times in the space of a week? Not that often — fortunately — but please, dear readers, allow me to give you a short …

Vanity Farewell
March 21, 2005 – 9:49 AM | No Comment

“VF pile” is currently an item on my to-do list. A chore, in other words. Current number of issues in the pile: two, a twelve-month low.
In order to afford anything advertised within, I would have …

Girls’ Bike Club VII: Your Friends And Neighbors
March 15, 2005 – 9:48 AM | No Comment

Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: Hi. Okay, here’s the thing.
Wing Chun: Oh, dear.
Sarah: I know Kid Rock should go in the Girls’ Bike Club. I know this.
Wing Chun: But you don’t want him in it.
Sarah: No, I …

Perfect Together
February 7, 2005 – 9:42 AM | 2 Comments

If I could ban a two-word phrase from the English language, any two-word phrase, I would pick one in particular immediately and without hesitation. No, not “Bush administration,” because experience has sadly proven that ignoring …

Girls’ Bike Club VI: Here’s The Story
January 31, 2005 – 9:37 AM | No Comment

Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: Oh, hello.
Wing Chun: Oh, dear.
Sarah: Heh.
Wing Chun: Well, that isn’t a “we haven’t spoken in the phone in a while” “oh, hello.”
Sarah: No, no, it isn’t.
Wing Chun: That is a “guess who’s …

Us, Weakly
January 10, 2005 – 9:34 AM | No Comment

Let me just say right up front that I don’t have a problem with celebrity journalism per se. I don’t disapprove of gossip, God knows, or think that it’s any particular shame that movie stars …