Articles in Stories, True and Otherwise
Number of hours it took for the mani to chip: 10. (Number of those hours I had spent sleeping: 7.) And it isn’t just a bitty “caught the corner of a Diet Coke can tab …
From some of the same people who brought you “hew,” a handy portmanteau of “hee” and “ew,” comes this new coinage, compliments of the Couch Baron.
hargh. interj. Combination of “hee” and “argh,” used to express amused …
Yesterday, I received a delightful thank-you note in the mail from the White Russian, her partner Drummer, and their toddler for the holiday gifts I got her and the fam. Yes, the winter holidays. Yes, …
Okay, friends: I need your help. I just stepped dead in a post-snow, melty pile of dog crap. Fortunately, for once, I had on shoes with smooth soles — but 1) I usually don’t (see: …
tweedious. adj. 1. portmanteau of “twee” and “tedious.” 2. portmanteau of “tweet” and “tedious.”
I assumed the first definition is the obvious one, but when I said the word aloud with no context, Wing defined it …
My initial definition for “slam-drunk” was as follows:
slam-drunk. n. A beverage guaranteed to give you a working buzz-on in a single serving. (“The Gibsons at Oyster Bar are a slam-drunk, man.”)
But now I feel as …
Then it took a week and a half before the graduate assistant was asked to tell his story to Curley and Gary Schultz, who oversaw the Penn State University police department. And then, the grand …
potaper cut: n. A paper-cut-esque incision of the finger or knuckle caused by a very crisp potato chip. See also: “tuber-cuticle-osis.”
Abraham Lincoln passed his last hours in a cramped back bedroom in a boardinghouse across the street from Ford’s Theater, mercifully unconscious, folded awkwardly onto a bed too short for him, laboring to breathe. A …
I just spent an hour playing cards on our new backyard deck with Mr. S and Gen. All quiet on the Brooklyn front, except for one romantically desperate cricket who didn’t get the memo. “Um: …