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The Vine: January 22, 2003
January 22, 2003 – 5:52 PM | No Comment

Sars —
I am a copy editor, and I would like to weigh in on your advice to Magnets. You are correct; “an” is used to fill in a consonant between vowels when spoken (“an ess-oh-pee” …

The Vine: January 21, 2003
January 21, 2003 – 5:46 PM | No Comment

Hello, Sars.
I have written to you before, and maybe my woes weren’t significant enough to print before, but I can really use some advice today.
I moved across the country from big city to small city …

The Vine: January 17, 2003
January 17, 2003 – 5:16 PM | No Comment

I am at the end of my creative abilities here, and I turn to you for help.
I’m a children’s librarian. We run a program that gives kids prizes for completing a certain amount of reading. …

The Vine: January 16, 2003
January 16, 2003 – 5:06 PM | No Comment

Hi Sars —
My husband and I both struggle with our weight. I’ve
been pretty successful at keeping the pounds from
creeping up too much. It’s hard work.
My husband is completely unwilling to do any of that
hard work. …

The Vine: January 15, 2003
January 15, 2003 – 4:57 PM | No Comment

I surely hope that the “friend” that wrote that lovely piece actually heard
from the possibly pregnant friend that they had unprotected sex, because,
well, I just turned around and looked at my four-year-old that was
conceived while …

The Vine: January 14, 2003
January 14, 2003 – 4:48 PM | No Comment

I don’t know what I expect you to say about this, but this is a problem I’ve kept to myself and have not discussed with anyone, and perhaps it will help me just to get …

The Vine: January 9, 2003
January 9, 2003 – 2:57 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars:
I read someplace that it is a sign of mental illness if you know the right thing to do and cannot bring yourself to do it. That sounds to me like most of the …

The Vine: January 7, 2003
January 7, 2003 – 8:24 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars,
I moved to Portland, OR from NY, NY a year and a half ago. I met a lot of new people, formed a lot of new friendships, and dated several guys that were either …

The Vine: December 19, 2002
December 19, 2002 – 3:55 PM | No Comment

Hey Sars,
Okay, my problem is: I need to get laid. I know this
isn’t a big problem (or an uncommon one), but it’s
been causing me some grief lately.
There’s this guy, you see. I’m not in love …

The Vine: December 18, 2002
December 18, 2002 – 3:47 PM | No Comment

Hi Sars,
My problem is this: Most of my “friends” don’t like my boyfriend. They feel
that he, “C,” isn’t good enough for me.I went to college and now work for a
telecom company; C went to tech …