Articles in The Vine
I’ve gotten dozens of emails about Smelly Cat Dad’s dilemma, so I’ve put together a list of the suggestions below, in case anyone else out there is facing a similar problem.
1. The obesity could put …
Sarah —
I had to pop in and give my two cents in response to Worried Friend and the source of her worry, “Natalie and Fred.”Your advice was so spot-on it isn’t even funny, and I …
Dear Sars:
Normally I would content myself with quiet lurking, but the letter from Lise, your response to her, and subsequent letters from Vine readers have prompted me to weigh in here.
Frankly, you certainly don’t need …
Hi Sars,
My heart really goes out to Ben’s Shadow, as I’m sure many, many readers have said.What a beautiful person he must be to have written so touchingly from his pain.
I don’t have any words …
I’m sure you’ve been inundated with people looking for advice after last week’s tragedies.Even so, I hope that you can give me a little guidance.
Last May, I fell in love with the man of my …
Hello, Sars. Love your web site. I’m behind on my work catching up on Ketchup and the old Vine columns. It’s worth every “wasted” minute.
I am actually writing this on behalf of a friend of …
I’ve had three early miscarriages. I didn’t name any of them, nor do I “celebrate” the birthdays or due dates or anything like that, but I will defend to the end the right of a …
I felt like I should comment on the problem that Lise is facing with her mother, as I have been in her mother’s situation.
She says that she and her family “did not have a chance …
Dear Sarah,
First of all, I wanted to thank you for “For Thou Art With Us.” Like all your readers, I’m so relieved that you’re safe and still writing.
And actually that provides a perfect transition to …
O Wise Sarah,
Should I get a tattoo?And if I do, should I talk to my husband about it first?Sheesh.
Here’s the situation. Firstly, we’re both grown-ups of the late twenties/early thirties variety.I had the thought that …