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Home » Culture and Criticism

Creamsicles Of The Crop

Submitted by on June 25, 2007 – 7:53 PM114 Comments



I can’t quite pinpoint when it began, my search for the food or drink that best replicates the Creamsicle.

I can’t quite pinpoint why, either — okay, for years I lived with a fridge that didn’t have a separate freezer compartment, so I didn’t tend to keep Creamsicles or any other frozen treats in the house, because cranking the temperature low enough to keep ice cream from semi-melting into a slumpy, squishy, possibly-salmonella-harboring pudding meant that everything else in the fridge’s main compartment froze as well, and using a brick of cheddar to hammer together a piece of furniture from Ikea is kind of funny until it becomes sadly clear that you’re only laughing so you don’t cry. For that reason, a Creamsicle doppelganger may have seemed more practical than an actual Creamsicle. But it’s not as though I’ve tried to reproduce any other ice-cream novelties; I don’t put eighteen sugars in my coffee so it tastes like coffee ice cream, and I don’t put food coloring on a bowlful of pennies to mimic a Bomb Pop. Why the Creamsicle? Could it have anything to do with the fact that one of my cats resembles a Creamsicle, albeit a linty, testy, toasty one more prone than most Creamsicles to the purring and the hurling and the chasing of the tail? I do not know.

I do know that it is hard to clone the Creamsicle experience in other comestible media — harder than you’d think. Vanilla ice cream in a sherbet-esque shell is a simple concept, but the secret is the proportion (and perhaps, to a lesser degree, the faint whiff of porn that attends its phallic shape and its “cream”-containing name — the graphic The Straight Dope selected to accompany a vintage entry on Creamsicles seems to suggest, rather strongly, that it’s a snack best enjoyed by consenting adults, in private, perhaps during a governmental shutdown). The Creamsicle’s primary appeal is the tension between orange and vanilla, a tension which is never resolved, and a Creamsicle-oid product that is either too orangey or too creamy won’t cast the same spell.

Not to elevate the Creamsicle to Tolkien-esque heights of two-flavors-to-rule-them-all runic symbolism over here, but I invested dozens of eleven-dollar drink orders and thousands of calories in the theory that imperfect or unsatisfying pretenders to the Creamsicle throne suffered from an overage of orange and/or a shortage of vanilla, so when I realized 1) that that wasn’t true and 2) why that wasn’t true, the insight did take on a Rosetta Stone-ish quality for me, because when I say “invested,” I mean it. I keep a mental catalog of the Orange Dream Machine “mix” at not only New-York-area Jamba Juices but also at various locations in L.A., and when Wing and Glark and I went out for our TV-pitch-meeting-vaganza five years ago, we had one right near our hotel in Santa Monica but I would ask Glark to stop at one further out because the Santa Monica one used too much orange juice. And it’s contagious. Mr. Stupidhead and I once agreed, without even speaking aloud, that even though we could see the SoHo branch of Jamba from where we’d parked, we would go twenty gridlocked blocks out of the way to the Flatiron Jamba instead because it had a better “ratio,” and what a ridonk pain in the ass that was with the circling the block and the tuck-and-roll to the curb I had to do because of traffic on Fifth Ave., but: worth it, people.

Also worth it: Creme Savers. It doesn’t look like the chewy version is available anymore — which is probably just as well, given my penchant for cramming seventy-three of them into my mouth at once — but the hard-candy original is delicious. And portable!

Alcohol, however, is a problematic addition to the recipe. A number of different Creamsicle-drink recipes exist, but regardless of how the mixology attempts to arrive at the correct fractions — orange and vanilla vodkas, vanilla vodka and OJ, sherbet and cream and spiced rum, white rum and ginger ale and orange zest — it never quite works. Vodka’s sharpness requires too much vanilla to counter; rum can taste like cream soda, which makes the drink too sweet, but adding more orange throws off the percentages; I suspect the only workable solution is to scrape a box of Creamsicles off their sticks and into a blender, pour three or four belts of your drink of choice in after it, and hit “puree.”

Just a few words here on cream soda, which is my other cross-platform flavor obsession. This one is much easier to copy using booze: ginger ale and a half shot of Captain Morgan’s on the rocks, spritz of lime. You have to order it weak to get the palate correct, but they go down so easy that the low alcohol content is for the best. The discovery of that summery thirst-quencher almost makes up for the fact that the cultural Visigoths at Dum-Dum Pops cut the number of cream-soda lollies in the average bag to, like, one. Elbowing the venerable cream soda aside is a menu of diabetes-to-go like bubblegum, chocolate, and the inattentively focus-grouped “blu raspberry,” and you’d better believe I had a whole bulging-forehead-artery tirade here about how strongly I associate that particular candy brand with my childhood, with going to the bank with my dad on Saturday mornings and driving up to the window and getting to put the deposit slips in the pneumatic-tube doodad, which would come back a few minutes later with a receipt and a Dum-Dum for yours truly, and how I got a bag at the drugstore last week and we all broke into it and happiness reigned for a few minutes until Rey wanted to know, and I quote, “what is going on with this cherry-cola bullshit,” at which time we filed a joint objection to the fact that the banana and the chocolate lollipops are separate entities instead of cleverly merged as they are in a Chupa Chup. But the Spangler Candy Company is not completely stupid; it’s thrown the matter open to a vote. You can weigh in on current flavors, new flavors, and future flavors, and one of the potential future flavors? Orange cream! My people! So…could you guys…go vote for that? Please? And also for pumpkin pie, which sounds so unspeakably wrong that I simply must have the opportunity to try it?

Given that the pumpkin and gingerbread lattes at Starbucks, which presented as unnatural and disgusting, ended up owning my ass, I have high hopes, but then, I had high hopes for the Orange Creme Frappuccino, and it let me down. In fact, it’s the OCF that led to my eureka moment re: the proper ratio, because the Starbucks version of the potable Creamsicle is heavy on the vanilla-bean flavoring, with the orange playing the role of vermouth in a very dry martini. It’s just what I thought I wanted from a Creamsicle — lots of Cream, not too much -sicle — but when it came down to it, I missed the orange. I reported this to Mr. S, who didn’t quite believe me when I said it needed more of an orange balance, and I told him, “It’s like when you went to sleep-away camp. I kind of couldn’t wait to get rid of your ass but then when you were gone, the house felt too big or something.” He flipped me the bird, but he knew what I meant.

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  • Lorraine says:

    Sara (first commment) must be thinking of Cowgirl’s Dreamsicle Lip Balm (Cowgirl Enterprises). It leaves you dreaming of creamsicles all day!

  • Judah says:

    I fell in love with throwing orange pop and vanilla ice cram in a blender- instant creamsicle drink for everyone. I couldn’t seem to fuck the proportions up too much, as long as I was reasonable.

  • Clairezilla says:

    Thanks to this thread, I ran out yesterday and bought a box of Dreyer’s Orange and Cream Fruit Bars. So yum! Even more yum when you scrape one off the stick into a bowl. (On a disturbing note, Dreyer’s website is featuring a limited-time only flavor of ice cream called Root Beer Float. Root beer belongs in only two forms, people: soda and lip gloss.)

    When I was five, I drank almost an entire bottle of Orange Triaminic. You can guess what my mom made me do for the next hour.

  • Mary Beth says:

    Arby’s has this new orange cream milkshake that tastes exactly like a melted creamsicle. They’re awesome.

  • Seven says:

    My sister once had to go to the ER and have her stomach pumped after chugging a bottle of orange Triamenic. It was about the closest thing we got to sugar in those days, before we were allowed to walk to Kwik Trip and blow our allowances on Skittles.

    I read through this whole thing hoping someone would tell me what’s pictured at the top of the article, because whatever it is looks really, REALLY good. Want.

  • Sars says:

    Thanks for all the suggestions, you guys. I’ll be referring back to this entry. Also: the Jamba at 56th and 6th makes a fantastic Orange Dream Machine, as I just discovered today.

    Seven: It’s creamsicle fudge. I found the graphic by clicking the photos tab in Google and searching “creamsicle”; it should come up on the first few pages, and I think there’s a recipe.

  • Seven says:

    I figured it would be something extremely nutritious like that. Thanks for the info.

  • Spaghetti says:

    Okay, I totally don’t get the Triaminic love. That stuff is condensed evil. Dimetapp was AWESOME. It even comes in little bear suckers!

    On topic: Do not attempt a creamscicle margarita. It separated and then curdled. That drink is not. right.

    I’m so glad someone else had the Schwann’s man! My grandma got us all addicted to their desserts.

  • Josh says:

    I second what Kristen! said. Starbucks “reduced fat” orange cream cake. Tasty! Not very vanilla-y, but hey, it’s a pastry.

  • Jessa says:

    “Dippin Candy stuff where you got a little candy stick and little packs of Kool-aid mix to dip it in.”

    LIK-EM-AID! That stuff provided hours of fun for me as a kid!

    Oh. Em. Gee. Dimetapp rocked my socks. When I was about 11 or so, I drank a bunch and then took Benadryl capsules for this bad cold I had. I passed out in my house for hours. My mom was knocking on the door for so long, she almost broke it down. When I still didn’t answer, she called the police, and I awoke to the sound of a door cracking open about about 10 firemen rushing into my apt, with several policemen in tow. Good times, y’all.

    I am also a fan of Orange Julius (just had my first one last year when my mom moved to Delaware from NY, and I went to visit her. Hea. Ven.) Orange and Cream Stewart’s soda also rocks my socks.

    My fake (nonalcoholic) cream soda: Monin Vanilla syrup (most coffee shops have it to flavor coffee, and yes, I am a barista at a small coffeehouse) with Pellegrino. So freaking good and refreshing over ice!

    I’m totally trying the Stoli Vanilla with Ginger ale, though. That sounds heavenly!

  • Cory says:

    Jamba sold, for awhile, orange dream machine lip balm, I don’t know if they still do.

    I do know, having been a Jamba assistant manager, that you can specify pretty much an amount of orange-to-vanilla you want and, if you get in tight with one of your local juice kids, can probably experiment until you get it perfect. I order all kinds of weird ass shit at Jamba, and get away with it because the whole business plan is do whatever the customer wants even if it’s insanely unreasonable. So, I should think you could get the Orange Dream down to a Sars-friendly science.

  • Dee says:

    I am obviously slow on joining the Creamsicle appreciation conversation here… but for my money the best boozy recreation I’ve ever had was an appallingly intoxicating creamsicle-flavored slushie available in a crappy Vegas bar/slot machine dive on Fremont Street – the Bayou.

  • Lynn says:

    The Creamsicle is delightful. Also delightful: Bailey’s, milk, and orange juice. True as you live.

  • unkapete says:

    the Kohr’s orange vanilla twist is heavenly. My favorite creamsicle-flavored treat was the creamsicle milk shake at The Cone Zone in New Brunswick. I don’t think it is there anymore. I always wondered why no one else offered a creamsicle milk shake.

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