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N Candy AA II: Round of 64, Flight 4

Submitted by on October 21, 2010 – 9:44 AM65 Comments

by Sarah D. Bunting

Updated bracket is here. Confused? Click here. Polls for Flight 3 close 11:59 PM ET on Tuesday.

1 Twizzlers/Nibs vs. 16 Liquorice All-Sorts. I would really love to vote for the bottom seed, because I extra-love black licorice, and in a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to choose between the perfectly textured, densely chewy Nib and the annoyingly spelled All-Sort. Sorry, Crown territories. [“Don’t you mean ‘Liquorice All-Barfs’? Black licorice is one candy that actually makes my physically ill. Meanwhile, Twizzlers are my absolute favorites.” —Keckler] (At Candy Mountain in Toronto, I didn’t have to choose; their bulk Nibs came in red and black.) But choose I must, I suppose, and I choose Twizzlers. You can use them as straws, and they offer a chocolate flavor. Also, almost everyone else hates black licorice. We’re done here.

1 Twizzlers/Nibs vs. 16 Liquorice All-Sorts

  • Twizzlers/Nibs (83%, 801 Votes)
  • Liquorice All-Sorts (17%, 165 Votes)

Total Voters: 966

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8 PayDay vs. 9 Dots. PayDay’s late-’80s ad jingle, accompanied by animated footage of gorillas and elephants freaking out on a sugar high, is a horrendous earwig. “Totally nuts! Totally nuts about Paaay-DAAAAAAAY!” The PayDay itself is really good, though; it’s like peanut brittle, but fatter (PayDay is sweeter than the Planter’s version), and it’s not everyone’s thing, but I like them. Dots, however, can shut up, especially the “fun” size, which comes in the tiny boxes that frequently contain only one measly Dot, or two Dots fused together like Chang and Eng…Dot. Not that you want more Dots than that, because it’s like chewing a wad of rubber cement, except less tasty. [“Nooooo! Dots are my go-to movie candy! Their lime is the best lime candy I’ve ever had. But I agree on the fun size asshattery.” —Keckler]

8 PayDay vs. 9 Dots

  • PayDay (68%, 636 Votes)
  • Dots (32%, 293 Votes)

Total Voters: 929

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5 Kraft caramels vs. 12 Nips. Ooh, a tough one. I like a Nip well enough (hew), especially the coffee flavor, and Nips come in enough varieties that it could carry the day — but I’m voting for Kraft caramels, which have the perfect consistency and shape (aw, teeny cubes!) and fetched a premium in the post-trick-or-treat trade market. Their only down side: the wrapper sometimes got caught in a fold of caramel (hew) and I had to waste precious time extracting it. (…Or to risk my life by eating it anyway. Hey, I was in a hurry!) I also associate Nips — wrongly, I know — with those creepy chocolate Riesen ads where the grandma seemed to be having inappropriate feelings about her grandson and her candy. Hew.

5 Kraft caramels vs. 12 Nips

  • Kraft caramels (77%, 735 Votes)
  • Nips (23%, 216 Votes)

Total Voters: 951

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4 Swedish Fish vs. 13 Cow Tales. We probably should have listed Cow Tales and bull’s-eyes together; a Cow Tale is basically a bull’s-eye in braid/tube form. (Or in strawberry form…? I can understand the caramel-apple flavor, I guess, kind of, but the strawberry verzh is baffling to me.) I love me a bull’s-eye, too, but for some reason, the proportions in a Cow Tale are somewhat off. So is the spelling: why “Tale”? It’s supposed to look like a tail, obvi; are children meant to enjoy it while telling stories around the campfire?

It’s not like Swedish Fish actually come from Sweden either, so that isn’t a hair worth splitting, in the end…and yes, we considered putting the Fish in the Gummiverse, but I maintain that SFs taste different from their Gummi/Haribo equivalents. I sprained my jaw trying to chew a stale Fish (hew) last year, but I still love those sweet little guppies. I’m betting y’all agree (and that many of you are grossed out by the “crème” — hew — in Cow Tales). [“Wait, Swedish Fish aren’t Swedish?!” —Keckler] [“Wait…are they?” — Bunting]

4 Swedish Fish vs. 13 Cow Tales

  • Swedish Fish (80%, 713 Votes)
  • Cow Tales (20%, 181 Votes)

Total Voters: 894

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6 Jelly Bellies vs. 11 Chuckles. Jelly Bellies will win handily, no doubt, and I don’t dislike them — well, the popcorn ones are deeee-sgusting — but I don’t really care that much about jellybeans generally. I like the big white vanilla ones, I like the black licorice ones, and the others, whatever. Chuckles, I actually buy, even though the green one is clearly some kind of stealth marketing campaign for Lysol. What busted corner of the Edison, NJ flavor lab did that thing creep out of, seriously? “Okay, the mint/lime combo isn’t quite working, but if we add a top note of mercurochrome, the kids’ll love it”? All the other Chuckles rock my world, however, especially Big Black — and if you feel strongly about the absence of spearmint leaves or orange slices, 1) I love those too, and I’m sorry, and 2) you are hereby given leave to vote for Chuckles in their stead if you would like.

But they still won’t win. Sigh.

6 Jelly Bellies vs. 11 Chuckles

  • Jelly Bellies (86%, 811 Votes)
  • Chuckles (14%, 132 Votes)

Total Voters: 943

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3 candy corn vs. 14 Laffy Taffy. If we could rank things higher than 1, I would have ranked candy corn there. It is so good; it is so perfectly chewy. It has a hint of creamsicle to it, and you know how I feel about those. Laffy Taffy, meanwhile, is stupidly named and tastes like dirty Tupperware regardless of the flavor (except, strangely, for the banana kind, which can usually be counted on to be the most revolting of any given candy style). And when you do find yourself forced by mid-afternoon-snack circumstances to settle for an LT, it takes heroic acts of laparoscopy just to get the goddamn wrapper off. [“I can’t eat Laffy Taffy after seeing my older sister barf purple into the tub post-grape-LT-binge.” —Keckler] I know some people super-hate the corn, but come on.

3 candy corn vs. 14 Laffy Taffy

  • candy corn (67%, 648 Votes)
  • Laffy Taffy (33%, 316 Votes)

Total Voters: 964

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7 fruit slices vs. 10 Lemonheads/lemon drops. Lemonheads are fine, I’ve got nothing against them, but I just ordered a five-pound bag of the little kosher fruit guys from Candy Direct. This is called “dinner.” I defy your petty judgments; end of discussion.

7 fruit slices vs. 10 Lemonheads/lemon drops

  • fruit slices (52%, 499 Votes)
  • Lemonheads/lemon drops (48%, 452 Votes)

Total Voters: 951

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2 Starburst vs. 15 Choward’s Violet. I really like the CV gum, despite its tendency to deflavorize milliseconds after it’s moist enough (hew) to actually chew on; the candy is just okay. But Starburst is straight-up brilliant. I remember when they introduced the cherry flavor and how much discussion that caused among me and my friends, because we prized the strawberry ‘bursts above all others, and we looked forward to an equally transporting experience with the new pale-pink ‘burst cube. It’s not as good, but it’s one of the few cherry-flavored candies I can stand, and if you tuck a lemon Starburst into your molars and drink a vodka tonic through it, friends, you are in for a treat. It wouldn’t surprise me if Starburst won the whole shooting match; it wins here handily.

2 Starburst vs. 15 Choward's Violet

  • Starburst (97%, 948 Votes)
  • Choward's Violet (3%, 34 Votes)

Total Voters: 982

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  • Grainger says:

    “I can’t eat Laffy Taffy after seeing my older sister barf purple into the tub post-grape-LT-binge.”

    Paralyzed with laughter, here.

    PS my wife won’t eat any flavor of Jelly Belly but popcorn; I therefore call dibs on your extras.

  • Melpo says:

    this is random, but the tangy taffy started making me think about all the candies that used to be…

    I wish they’d never stopped making Fiji Fruits. In middle school every year they would hand out a little “now you’re becoming a woman” box to all of the girls and we’d get sample sizes of all kinds of stuff: sanitary products and cartoony brochures about not having sex, deodorant, face cleanser and, inexplicably, fiji fruits candy.

    I so took advantage of every other girl being too embarrassed to carry that thing around school and got ALL the fiji fruits. mmmm…

  • Kristen B says:

    Candy corn is the devil’s spawn. Seriously. The only candy more disgusting is Peeps. (shudder) All of the candy in this round left me cold. But – can’t wait for round 2! :)

  • Georgia says:


    “sample sizes of all kinds of stuff: sanitary products:” My first thought was, “What? Like MINIATURE tampons?” And my second thought was, “Wow, am I not thinking straight.”

  • PippiStardust says:

    Garlic Jelly Belly + buttered toast Jelly Belly = dear god, what the hell is wrong with me, why didn’t I just go out for Italian and get ACTUAL garlic bread like a normal person?!

  • Dani says:

    Waaaaaait a minute. How come chocolatey-flavored chewy candy is verboten in Tootsie Roll form, but allowed in Twizzler form? I know this bracket is all set, but I think that future “chocolatey” dilemmas might be solvable by turning to Tootsie Roll Pops. EVEN the chocolate flavor, which: what do they think chocolate IS? What is wrong with that company??

  • Dani says:

    Also, I love the buttered popcorn Jelly Bellies and I had no idea that I was so alone in this! I am looking forward to trying them with the garlic ones.

    Can we do a really pointless Jelly Belly-specific bracket? Like, Toasted Marshmallow vs…. Caramel Corn?

  • Sara says:

    I…I…I just realized… Wherefore art thou, RUNTS???

  • Kate says:

    @ Stephanie: Candy Direct happens to have Roasted Garlic Jelly Bellies available, but they’re only available in a 10 lb size. Which is a lot of Jelly Bellies. It does say that they make great party favors though! (hew)

  • Wendalette says:

    I don’t get it. How can anyone NOT like Jelly Bellies?

    1. They have a teeny little crunchy sugar coating that won’t break your teeth.
    2. They are the perfect size for the moments when you’d love “just a taste” of whatever it is you’re craving.
    3. Related: they come in an astonishing number of flavors, none of which are ‘red’ (Red Vines), ‘Pine-Sol’ (salt-water taffy), or ‘hork’ (Circus Peanuts).
    4. Recipes!!
    5. Nearly all of those flavors are made with the actual substance they evoke. That practically makes them GOOD FOR YOU!

    For all the above reasons (and many more!) Jelly Bellies are — in my opinion at least — MADE. OF. WIN.

  • Sandman says:

    Wow. You REALLY don’t want to know what Swedish Fish are actually made from. I’m surprised that the “nutrition” facts aren’t just a picture of a doctor laughing at you.

    Ha! Lovely.

    I miss Tangy Taffy! And Mojos – does anyone remember Mojos. I think they might have been in Canada only. Like Starburst (but before I remember getting Starburst here) only more tart.

    And I love black licorice! All-Sorts are my least favourite of that … sort. (Sorry.)

  • Ix says:

    Gah. This has to be the first one where I’ve been torn on one of the flights. I loves me some fruit slices – but I’m also a huge lemon fan; if I could find somewhere to get lemon drops in bulk, I’d be bringing home two or three pounds of the stuff at a time.

    Candy corn, on the other hand, is one of those things that I get tired of really quickly. Like, ‘four or five pieces’ before I need something to switch it off with. I dunno; I think it’s something to do with the waxy texture.
    And I’ve always kind of liked Laffy Taffy. Especially the bannana flavoured ones. But I readily acknowledge that I was a very strange child.

  • MaryAnne says:

    Let me just say this: Candy Corn flavored Hershey’s Kisses? Are a thing. And they are, mysteriously, better than BOTH regular Candy Corn AND regular Kisses.

    This does not surprise me at all, either that they exist, or that they are good. My 2nd favorite combination (Movie theater popcorn and Junior Mints being #1) is a handful of candy corn mixed with a handful of dark chocolate M&Ms … it is the YUM.

  • Sara in Stockholm says:

    Swedish fish are swedish. Sort of. A swedish candy company, Malaco, started selling them in the US, and then came up with a variety that would please american palettes more than the original did. Our fish (called only “fish” here, we know we ´re swedish already) are less rubbery, slightly less sweet and with a tangy flavour common to swedish candy.

    We like to mix sweet and salty flavours (hello Dime bars and super-salty liqorice!), and sweet and sour flavours. Many swedes like super-sour candy that makes your mouth hurt. In a good way.

    But apparently, some marketing expert decided that you do not. Not even the soft tangy-ness of fish.

    (And the fish itself is “sill”, herring. The pickled fish they also sell at Ikea.)

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Good intel, @Sara.

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