Contest ’09: Deal
And awaaaaaay we go!
You can find the contest FAQ and the prizing page at the top righthand side, or by clicking these links; the baffled should click here for more information on Donors Choose and the contest.
Please make sure you’ve donated through the Bet Red/TN contest page; you can use the widget right up top there. To search/sort Bet Red projects by state, grade level, subject, or expiration, please use Amanda’s super-handy sortable spreadsheet. All links from the spreadsheet contain the Bet Red challenge ID; just click and go.
We’ve got a big nut to make, friends. Let’s do it.
On the menu for tomorrow: mini-prizes, and the unveiling of the mystery intern!
Tags: contests
And Shel Silverstein….funded! Yay! So proud to be part of Team Awesome again for another year….
@Amie – I am doing the same thing. I gave bigger chunks yesterday, but now I’ve divided up my pot and am making a small gift each day. should be fun.
Good call Megan!
$82 bucks left to get Ms. T’d drama club some sweet lighting!
Lighting project funded!
@Susan Williams: Thanks for popping in! It’s so great to hear from the teachers, even if my coworkers are wondering why I’m suddenly so sniffly.
Almost 18K!
Well, we just got the paycheck, so the rent check is written and the Donors Choose kids are in my sights! So far I’ve put some money towards the kids helping their fellow students in an orphanage (oh my GOD) and the Shakesperean costuming class (fellow theater majors, I support ye!)
I’m writing a check to the Red Cross for Samoa/Indonesia as well, but more money will go in later in the month!
I just saw this project and my heart broke a little- can we help encourage these student parents to stay in school? (I hope I pasted that properly)
Really dumb question. Is there a way to search through the TN projects? I know the type of things I would like to donate to, but I just wanted to see if there was a quicker way than scrolling. Thanks. :)
Holy hairballs, Batman!!! $19k in the first two days!! The citizens of Tomato Nation are truly a wonderful group of people.
There is currently no way to search or sort WITHIN the TN giving page at this time. If you go off the giving page to search, please make sure to go *back* to the page, or that my challenge ID — 23248 — is in the browser bar before you donate.
This is now in the Contest FAQ; sorry that functionality isn’t offered! Thanks for your scrolling patience. We’ll try to get a bunch of projects funded so the list gets shorter ;).
@Karen–make that $20k (and counting)!
We broke 20K! WOO!
Okay, I hope I’m not overstepping here, but I took a look at the current projects to see what’s ending soonest. Here are the projects I saw that are ending within the next 10 days: days, $1063 left) days, $258 left) (10 days, $2972 left)
Think we can bring these kids The Awesome before time runs out?
Sorry I screwed up the hyperlink borders above: there are six days on the first project and seven on the second. The links still do work as is.
I gave this teacher my old graphing calculator a few years ago, but since then she’s been getting more and more extremely poor high schoolers interested in AP Statistics. Her students pass the AP exam at a rate of 93% (!!!), and this class helps them prepare for college so they’ll be better able to keep up with kids who went to better-funded schools. I can’t afford to contribute myself this year, so I’m hoping Tomato Nation can help Mrs. V get five more graphing calculators for her students:
300 donors!
This project only has 10 days and $309 to go!
Plus, it has “Awesome” right in the title! What more could you want? Let’s get it funded!
25 is alive! Behold the Awesome.
26! Way to grind it out, weekend shift.
This contest gives me so much to look forward to every October. My friends all know Donors Choose now, and many are donating (even if not for TN, it is still awesome). I cry everytime those letters and photos from the kids come to my door, and I’m glad that now I can donate so much more. My internet cut out for the first three days, but I still cannot believe how much we’ve done.
It’s a three paycheck month for me, and I know exactly where it’ll all be going.
Just made my first donation for this year’s challenge. Asked for nothin’ but “Bet Red” for my birthday that’s coming up. Looking forward to watching the number climb!
We just bought a Chicago school a skeleton. Olympics, Shmolympics.
Hmmmm, 8105 students reached…. I wonder when we will hit 10k students reached….
This one has only until the 9th!
(I hope that link works)
Go Nation!
Thank you to all who donate. I am a teacher with a project listed and did not even know this existed until recently. What a wonderful way to help others and you have no idea how much we truely appreciate it. I would love to buy everything my students need but unfortunately I am unable to do so. Thank you again and God Bless!
$30,000! Woo! And we’re inching closer to the 10,000 students helped mark. Go Nation! Bet Red! (This post sponsored by the letter J and the exclamation point. !)
Only $60 left before this class gets their Edgar Allen Poe books
Let the sniffling begin!
Just donated to the Lego Club project (my fav as as kid, and clearly it is genetic, as it has passed on to my son)
9000 Students and counting. Wooooooo!
Annnnddd the Edgar Allen Poe project (my early favorite!) has been fully-funded! Awesomeness, guys!
I was so excited to get a note that the “Fleet of Frisbees” project was fully funded, but my heart almost burst with pride when I saw it had been fully funded by TN readers. That right there is some awesome.
9500 students reached! Continue the AWESOME!
Tomato Nation and Donors Choose were mentioned in Ken Jenning’s (of Jeopardy fame) blog. Just thought y’all might find it interesting…
Except about avoiding raisins, but that’s just good thinking.
I’m not sure if I’ve missed this in the many comments to many different posts, buy has anyone mentioned the opportunity Plastic Jungle is providing to exchange unused gift card balances (from major retailers) for Donors Choose gift cards? There’s a DC blog post about it, but I’m not sure if everyone has seen that. The link is If you have $10.31 left on a gift card and thought that would be a silly contest prize donation, this is another way to use it toward Donors Choose.
9,500 students reached.
Go look in a mirror. The person you see there is awesome.
$33 left to fund the book “Outsiders”
“Outsiders” funded!!!!
A Fresh Look at Book Club $74 needed
Love those thank you packets. I have some of mine hanging above my desk!
Amanda-the-Intern, the spreadsheet was AWESOME! Made donating so easy.
Oh, my! I can’t believe how generous you all are! One day I looked at my DonorsChoose grant and a small donation has been made and the next day it’s almost 50% funded. Tomatonation ROCKS!!!! From a special education teacher of autistic students in SC, a huge HEARTFELT THANK YOU!!!!!
Project ID: 305098
Ponyboy will be staying gold, thanks to the Awesome.
Quick question, btw, do you know if the widget counts unique donors or the number of donations? (For the sleep-deprived, does it go up if someone donates more than once?)
Two notes, guys:
1) We just hit 400 donors and 10,000 students are within glimpse.
2) This project – currently the closest to the expiration date – expires in two days and still has a good chunk of change left to go. (In a few words, the project aims to implement programs to keep higher risk students in school). Think we can help?
@Roberta: I believe it counts unique donors, not donations.
Oops, link fail. Here’s the project I referred to:
Good catch, Amanda. I just donated a little bit. Can we promote it to a mini-prize project for tomorrow to catch the Nation’s attention?
Done, per the uber-awesome Amanda’s request. Shit, every teen should have a chance to bruise the hell out of his/her knuckles playing air hockey, especially if it helps keep them in school!
@Laura: Email it to me directly, please. Otherwise I’ll be like, “No problem! …[forgetting]”
The teacher on this air-hockey table posted a note that he doesn’t think his project is going to get funded in time.
I think the Awesomeness of the Nation will prove him wrong.