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Home » Donors Choose and Contests

Contest ’09: Deal

Submitted by on November 25, 2009 – 2:30 AM257 Comments

And awaaaaaay we go!

You can find the contest FAQ and the prizing page at the top righthand side, or by clicking these links; the baffled should click here for more information on Donors Choose and the contest.

Please make sure you’ve donated through the Bet Red/TN contest page; you can use the widget right up top there.   To search/sort Bet Red projects by state, grade level, subject, or expiration, please use Amanda’s super-handy sortable spreadsheet.   All links from the spreadsheet contain the Bet Red challenge ID; just click and go.

We’ve got a big nut to make, friends.   Let’s do it.

On the menu for tomorrow: mini-prizes, and the unveiling of the mystery intern!

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  • Academic says:

    I stepped up to do my part on with the air hockey table. How could I say no to helping out 200 students? And yeah, we’ll get it funded…because we’re just awesome.

  • Heather says:

    I donated on this one too, and I left a note to bolster the spirits of the good Mr. S, the teacher in question. Let’s not let him down!

  • Debby says:

    Just sent what I could to the air hockey table. I figured, I’m Canadian…. it’s hockey…..

    Okay, it was a reach, but I hate to see anything expire unfunded.

  • Sharon says:

    Air hockey table over here, too. My daughter loves watching air hockey, and she’s only 2. :) I really hope this one gets funded.

  • Cij says:

    Another $25 is skating across to get these kids an air hockey table. I hope we can pull this off!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:


  • Jackie says:

    I picked up an extra class at the gym yesterday, so I threw my whopping $25 paycheck at Mr. S. and his air hockey/pool table. I figure pool is a practical lesson in geometry, right?

  • Melissa C says:

    I just chipped in on the air hockey table. You guys, I’m TOTALLY going to have a *sniff* moment later today when we get this project funded. I just know it’s gonna happen…

  • Debby says:

    Mr S of the air hockey table is pretty darn excited!

    *fingers crossed that we can do this one for him*

  • Talix says:

    I can’t believe I doubted the air hockey/billiards table would be funded in time. Did I dare to – gasp of horror – doubt Tomato Nation? Under $200 to go.

  • Debby says:

    $39 bucks left people!!!!

    Team Awesome strikes again!

  • Allison says:

    Wahoo! The hockey tables are funded! This is so exciting. Now I’m going to be obsessively watching Genoa’s Math Club.

  • Cij says:

    I think we pulled it off A.W.E.S.O.M.E!

  • Stormy says:

    Air-Hockey tables are funded and we have now helped over 10,000 students!!!!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Today’s mini-prize updated/augmented. Go buy some dominoes!

  • Amanda, Mysterious says:

    Eee, you guys. Group hug! The thank you note from Mr. S is a mixture between faint bewilderment and gratitude; not that I blame the guy since it is pretty easy to be overwhelmed by the AWESOME.

    I’ve added a function to the Spreadsheet of Doom that allows viewers to filter the projects through a variety of criteria (e.g. if you want a project that is in a high-poverty area in Ohio and incorporates Social Studies, that’s the place to look). It’s kind of ugly and may be of somewhat limited use since it doesn’t recognize hyperlinks, but you can always hop on over to the Project Name tab and do a Ctrl/Command + F to find the exact link you want.

  • Ilene Fox says:

    I am a teacher whose project received a donation because of Tomato Nation and I am overwhelmed that you are all coming together to do this for students everywhere. For my bilingual students, it is a first step towards getting Spanish language dance books so those new to our country can also read about dance and, I hope, begin a love of the arts that can last a lifetime. Thank you Tomato Nation for including my project on your list and thank you to everyone who, because of this contest, is contributing to the education of our next generation.

  • rlb14 says:

    Am I counting right? Have we funded 269 projects?

  • Amanda the Intern says:

    RLB, the spreadsheet puked – I uploaded the most recent update and Excel and Google both got out their lightsabers and had at it. (It was messy.) My whip and chair and I have tamed this particular lion though, so it shouldn’t happen again unless Google goes to the dark side or something, in which case we are ALL in trouble and the Spreadsheet of Doom will be the least of our concerns.

    Right now we’re at about 132 funded projects, but we’ve completed a few more since the update so that’s not an exact figure.

  • rlb14 says:

    right. I can’t access the spreadsheet at work. We’re at 150 now, I just did a count by 50/page.

  • Georgia says:


  • Dsayko says:

    We got the match! We’re awesome! It really brightens my day to watch the big number go up, and all the project funding-needed numbers go down.

    @Marnie – I’m dragging my husband and coming to see you in Chess! I can’t wait.

  • Sara says:

    I ´m already getting ready for next year ´s contest by setting up a $10 monthly donation to Donorschoose. I ´ll probably let the money acrue in my DC account over the year and spend it on projects next October. (And if things change drastically budgetwise, I can cancel the monthly donation anytime.)

    To make it even better, lovely Donorschoose will now give me a $50 giving card within 30 days. Here ´s hoping it arrives before this year ´s contest ends!

  • Lizzie says:

    This awesome project, providing frisbee-golf sets so that teens struggling with addiction can do some outdoor activities, has only 3 days left to run. And they’re only half way to their goal! Let’s get it done. It sounds like a fabulous project:

    So many Tomato Nationers have contributed already, and it would suck if the project expired without getting funded.

  • Amie says:

    @Sara, I set up an automatic donation for DC, too, when the option popped up on my screen. I hope the giving card comes in soon so it can go to this year’s challenge! If not, though, it will certainly not go to waste.

  • Jackie says:

    Made a bunch of middle-aged ladies sweat at the gym today and my reward? I get to give my paycheck to a bunch of recovering addicts in Indiana who want to play disc golf. AWESOME! The only downside is the continual refresh clicking to see how close we are to closing this one down–$767 to go!

  • Emerson says:

    That money will come from somewhere. And then the kids will get to go outside in the sun and really enjoy being young. So, come on, money! It’s important!

  • Jane says:

    I read all the FAQ’s and put links and data on my bitty blog.

    I am a huge friend and supporter of Space Paws which is run off work time by the folks at the Hubble in Maryland , dedicated to finding forever homes for abandoned and neglected animals.

    Yes,,the crazy cat people.’s up at :

    I hope it helps.


    Aunty Pol

  • charmaine says:

    I to set up the automatic donation for DC. Love the option to pick the projects yourself, and if you don’t pick money will accrue in your account! Best the $50 gift card. Hope it gets here soon. Says up to 30 days. So hurry everyone and sign up….may get here before the challenge ends.

    And here is a project with only $79 left.

    A musical project!!! Yeah and someone a thank you packet!

  • Mike says:

    Of the remaining $618 left for frisbee golf project, $535 is for ‘Optional Donation for Operating Costs’, which helps fund DonorsChoose operation. So I assume if we can get the remaining total below $535, then the students will get their equipment. Of course, it would be better if we can completely fund the project.

  • Stormy says:


  • charmaine says:

    FUNDED!! Frisbee Golf Project!!!

    Ok Team AWESOME High Poverty, Chicago. Needs ping pong tables to have PE when the weather is terrible…4 days and $2366 to go…..Share with your friends….we CAN do this!

  • Roberta says:

    Frolf’s funded! The kids get to frolf! It’s very dusty in here suddenly too.

  • Emerson says:

    Wonderful news about Frolf. Now moving voice over to chorus of people urging support of Ping Pong project. Ping Pong is really, really fun.

  • charmaine says:

    Less than $4k until 60K…and here is “Past, Present and the Future -You, Me and My Family Tree” that only needs $92 before one more project can be marked FUNDED!
    And don’t forget ping pong in Chicago still needs some help

  • Wilma says:

    “Past, Present and the Future” is funded. I’m a sucker for journals…

  • K says:

    Here’s another way to get a $10 Giving Card to put towards the challenge: or

    Haven’t tried it myself yet–it sounds kind of cheesy but pretty painless and another $10 to Bet Red? Awesome!

  • Vanessa says:

    Everyone here has been so awesome! Is there anyway to update the spreadsheet to see which projects have already been funded. Thanks!

  • charmaine says:

    @Vanessa- You can see the funded loans by clicking on the COMPLETED! sort on the top of the spreadsheet, just to the right side of middle on the sort menu.

    Also 2 more projects with less than $100. In fact $99 for each of these!
    Gooney Bird Greene And The Wimpy Kid
    Strong Start Lab Basics

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    You should be able to sort by funded projects; look for a “Completed!” tab (or similar) along the top/bottom edge. Amanda, Intern Of Efficacy updates the master spreadsheet once a day, in the evening, so projects funded during the workday may not show up as complete until that night.

  • Vanessa says:

    You guys are fabulous!

  • JeniMull says:

    I’m utterly hooked, and hoping to spread the madness. Thanks to the spreadsheet, I found a pre-K reading project in my homeland of rural MN. Then I bought giving cards for friends, hoping to suck them in. Then, I signed up for monthly contributions.

  • Academic says:

    Are we really going to let the Ping-Pong project go underfunded? Let’s see if the AWESOME can’t crack this nut!

  • charmaine says:

    A new day! I count 6 projects that need under $100 on the 1st 2 pages of the Bet Red Challenge. Including this one for Kids partnering with a local orphanage that needs $99

  • Amanda the Intern says:

    Y’all! Whenever I look at lately I feel like doing this: That is all.

  • JeniMull says:

    $1258 and only today left for ping pong!

  • Academic says:

    I was so excited to log on to the ping-pong project today because it’s fully funded. Yet the great amazing Asirda’s donation does not have the little bet red logo in front. BET RED indeed!

  • charmaine says:

    Yeah for Asirda and a 3K match. You know that means that now we are less than 10K from the next match and it is a 5K match!!! Lets finish off some more projects! A great day, it is going to be.

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