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Contest: A quick update

Submitted by on October 14, 2009 – 1:34 PM9 Comments

1. Congratulations on 60K! Keep going; our next match is 5K at $75,000, which isn’t far away at all, plus I’ve got all these prizes to give away.

2. The 3K-at-60K match will go into effect tonight, most likely, once I can count all the shares (the software does not update in real time).   Better shared than sorry, and we only need 50.   Note that, while the match will take care of the ping-pong project, you can always donate to it yourself in the meantime; lots of prizes today, don’t forget.

3. Paid work has me a bit behind on email; your patience is appreciated.

4. Vine is en route.

5. Who is our favorite pocket-sized non-profiteer?   That would be this speculative little fellow:


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