“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.
From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.
Helping public schools, winning prizes, sending a crazy lady in a tomato costume out in public.
Monologues, travelogues, fiction, and fart humor. And hens. Don’t forget the hens.
The Tomato Nation advice column addresses your questions on etiquette, grammar, romance, and pet misbehavior. Ask The Readers about books or fashion today!
Hey there, Sars.
I was catching up on some Vines and read the Living in Hellmouth letter and
the responses that you gave afterwards.Many people don’t understand schizophrenia and I’m glad that you gave a link
to an …
When cocktail conversation turns to epically bad and/or strange taxicab experiences, and it frequently does, all of my show-stopping stories seem to come from outside New York City. An x-ray taken of my thoracic cavity …
Dear Sars,
I really feel strongly about Concerned’s question [Oct. 24], as it could have been
written by any of my friends about me a few years ago.That being said,
your advice was right on.Not being judgmental is …
Dear Sars,
I know that you care about this subject, so I am hoping you can give me some really good advice.
How do I handle the subject of people’s not voting? I get really mad when …
Dear Sars,
I graduated from college last year.In school I had this really tight-knit group of friends.We’re all really different people, but things just clicked with us.Since graduation in May, we’ve scattered all over the globe …
I hope you can help me sort something out before a
large conflict erupts in my family.
I have a two-year-old daughter.I love her dearly and
my husband and I provide her with everything she
needs. However, my Mom …
Late last night, tooling around TVGuide.com and hoping inspiration for the TWoP homepage poll would strike, I came across the following tidbit at the bottom of their “Entertainment News” section:
Fox is developing a reality show …
Dear Sars,
This isn’t nearly as life-and-death as many of the problems you get, but I’m
curious about your opinion.The “Save Touched by an Angel from atheists
who are petitioning the FCC to remove all mention of God …
Ms. Sars —
It’s not an original problem, but it is mine, and I hereby foist it on
you.Well, not really, but I do need help.
Issue one: I’m an extremely closeted 28-year-old possible lesbian, who
doesn’t really want …
Dear Sars:
My best friend at work (we’ve shared an office for almost three years) is
getting married in a couple months in the Bahamas.They are inviting about
a hundred or so people, but aren’t expecting more than …