
“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.

Culture and Criticism

From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.

Donors Choose and Contests

Helping public schools, winning prizes, sending a crazy lady in a tomato costume out in public.

Stories, True and Otherwise

Monologues, travelogues, fiction, and fart humor. And hens. Don’t forget the hens.

The Vine

The Tomato Nation advice column addresses your questions on etiquette, grammar, romance, and pet misbehavior. Ask The Readers about books or fashion today!

Goin’ All The Way, Day 6: Pose for photos
May 20, 2013 · 3 Comments
Goin’ All The Way, Day 6: Pose for photos

Welcome back, generous Nation. You kept busy over the weekend! (One of you in particular. Get it, E.) More than 20K donated, more than 15K students reached — and 144 projects completed! You’ll hit that 50K prom finish line …

Goin’ All The Way: About The TN Prom
May 19, 2013 · No Comment
Goin’ All The Way: About The TN Prom

Your questions about the Tomato Nation/ Spring 2013 Contest, answered. (I hope.) Updated May 19, 10 AM.
Welcome to the Tomato Nation/Donors Choose Spring Contest 2013: Goin’ All The Way. Want to donate right now? Click right here. 

Keep …

The Vine: May 17, 2013
May 17, 2013 · 9 Comments
The Vine: May 17, 2013

It’s Daisy from this post again; The Nation figured out what my long-lost book was, and I donated to Donors Choose as a result.

Goin’ All The Way, Day 5: Balloons ‘n’ Streamers
May 17, 2013 · 5 Comments
Goin’ All The Way, Day 5: Balloons ‘n’ Streamers

Well, well, well. The TN Prom Committee has good news and bad news. The good news is, y’all have raised over eleven thousand dollars, helped almost ten thousand children, AND COMPLETED EIGHTY-NINE PROJECTS. Wow. You’re …

Goin’ All The Way, Day 4: Corsage and Boutonnière
May 16, 2013 · 3 Comments
Goin’ All The Way, Day 4: Corsage and Boutonnière

Welcome back, kids! As of this writing, almost 7K raised, almost 8K students helped, and 64 projects completed! 64! That’s amazing. 

The Vine: May 15, 2013
May 15, 2013 · 19 Comments
The Vine: May 15, 2013

Many years ago — at least 10 years I think — I watched a news report about a man that would pass out or faint whenever he felt smug. Basically if a strong feeling of …

Goin’ All The Way, Day 3: Party Limo
May 15, 2013 · No Comment
Goin’ All The Way, Day 3: Party Limo

With visions of stretch Escalades dancing in your heads, check it out: more than 5K raised and almost 7K students helped! That’s the poo — so take a big whiff. (Or donate again!)

Goin’ All The Way, Day 2: The Perfect Dress (and Matching Cummerbund)
May 14, 2013 · 5 Comments
Goin’ All The Way, Day 2: The Perfect Dress (and Matching Cummerbund)

Good morning, Nation! As of this writing, $3,194 donated, 34 projects completed, and 3,517 students helped. Not bad for a day’s work! Excellent job on that emergency Frankweiler tip last night, too — what’d that …

Goin’ All The Way, Day 1: That Special Someone (Is You)
May 13, 2013 · 5 Comments
Goin’ All The Way, Day 1: That Special Someone (Is You)


Welcome to the Tomato Nation/Donors Choose Prom 2013! Tickets are now on sale, as it were; to donate, click here.
Confused? The full FAQ is right here, but here’s the short form: we’re trying to raise …

Out With The Crowd: “Also, I’ve really had it with Jeff Francoeur”
May 11, 2013 · 5 Comments
Out With The Crowd: “Also, I’ve really had it with Jeff Francoeur”

Bryan Mannon became a Royals fan in 1979, but the team’s performance in recent years hasn’t swayed him. In fact, he’s still paying for the Extra Innings package so he can watch Jeff Francoeur in …