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Home » Stories, True and Otherwise


Submitted by on April 11, 2007 – 9:07 AM16 Comments

On my block, there is a deli.It is not a good deli; the coffee is awful, the ice-cream “selection” is buried in a grimy chunk of Hoth, and between the lottery people, the OCD bacon-sandwich people, and the people who think that paying twenty-five cents for a tabloid newspaper is akin to paying rent, it’s not ideal.But it’s right downstairs, and if you run out of coffee and don’t feel like changing out of your pajamas to go get more, you don’t stand on principle.

Unless, of course, you find yourself with a front-row seat to…Deli Face-Off.

See, in addition to the deli right downstairs, I could also go to the deli on the corner — a superior outfit in every way, with better coffee, fancier chips, and a less irritating clientele overall — but to go to the corner, I have to put on shoes.

Not anymore.The corner deli is still there, but the guy who owns the corner deli also now owns the space that used to house the spoken-word place, and instead of keeping it a spoken-word place, he turned it into…another deli!And that deli, I can’t even tell you.Amazing.Choirs of angels.Objectively speaking, it’s nothing that special, and it’s laid out just as kookily as Downstairs Deli; the floor plan looks like a thermometer, so the main aisle is teensy, and getting past a lady ordering half a pound of smoked turkey so I can get to the cold drinks forces me, as I always do because: nerd, to make the “shall we dance” joke.But at Middle Of The Block Deli, people actually chuckle at that joke!Tired as it is, they agree to acknowledge the effort.Middle Of The Block Deli is, in the end, just a deli in the middle of the block, but it’s got spiffy new shelving, it’s neat and clean-floored, the stacks of tabloids don’t have weird bites taken out of them, the sandwich guy is the dude from the Associated who gives me a couple of slices of provolone to snack on while I wait, and most importantly, it isn’t Downstairs Deli.

Downstairs Deli clearly senses that the fight is on.I know this for two reasons: 1) the DD regulars reassuring the counter guys that people will check out Middle Of The Block Deli, not like it, and come back, and 2) Downstairs Deli management in its infinite wisdom decides to install new fixtures, including a new coffee “desk,” which is a definite improvement, and a new main counter, which isn’t, because it is way too tall.I’m five ten and I’m eye-level with the Halvah, so Lord knows how the shorter customers manage it.Who ordered that beast, the director of Brazil?It’s like The Ministry Of Swisher Sweets in there.This is fairly typical of Downstairs Deli — they try not to suck, but then sometimes, if you want a breakfast sandwich, you have to supply your own roll.This actually happened.

Then the whole block went through the looking glass with the signage.

First day of business, Middle Of The Block Deli puts out a signboard — grand opening, egg and cheese 99 cents, the usz.Nothing fancy.The next day, Downstairs Deli has its own signboard out, and once again, Downstairs Deli just sort of doesn’t get it: instead of a classy chalkboard set-up like MOTB Deli’s, it’s an ancient dry-erase dealie that doesn’t erase fully, plus they use a pinkish-red marker to write, like, every single thing for sale on it, so it comes off kind of desperate.I would say that the sign also looks like a drunk person wrote it, but having gone into that deli many times at many different hours of the day, I can almost guarantee that a drunk person did write it.So, MOTB Deli is all, “Please enjoy a breakfast sandwich at our establishment,” and Downstairs Deli is all, “HEY WE HAVE TAYLOR HAM NOT JUST HAM HAM TAYLOR HAM IT’S UM IT’S NAMED AFTER UH LET ME SEE HERE OH YES TAYLOR MY SON WHO WILL STARVE IF YOU DON’T COME IN FOR A SNACK CAKE OR SOMETHING ANYTHING PLEASE DON’T LEAVE I HATE YOU I AM SO LONELY.[HIC!]”

But it’s not over, oh no.About a week later, the pizza place puts out a sign of their own, so now it’s “we are happy to accompany you, quietly and helpfully, on your breakfast journey” versus “ALSO THERE IS BUTTERED ROLL AND JERKY LOVE ME DON’T SPEAK DOG FOOD COFFEE” versus “…Jeez.So, um, anyone for a calzone?”The sidewalk is starting to get cluttered with all the signage, to the point where I said to the mailman as a joke last week that I couldn’t believe the diner didn’t have a sign out yet.

The diner had a sign out the next day.

So, it’s already ridiculous, but it’s my belief that the citizens of Fourth Avenue should take it to its logical extreme if this is how it’s going to be.Everyone on the block needs to have a sign, in my opinion.I want the laundry to get a sign that says, “When you spill all those specials on your shirt, bring it here!”I want the restaurant next to the vacant lot to get one that says, “Yeah, leave us out of it.”The hair salon needs one, obviously; even the florist could get one.The florist is closed permanently; he packed it in and left months ago, but he could still have a sign.”Still out of business.You want flowers, go to the deli.No, not that one.”

Hell, I’ll put out a sign: “Cats $1.Bring own roll.”

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  • Kermit says:

    Content is back! It was a long, dry spell — and I understand, you were moving your site, and dealing with the Bravo/TWoP thing, but I missed the funny, snarky, “can you believe this is LIFE?” writing.



  • Laura says:

    Heh. We have a sign on my street reading “Please do not throw stones at this notice.” I’ve got your logical extreme right here…

  • Sassy says:

    Sars, this had me laughing so hard. Great piece of writing. I can picture this all in my head and the ridiculousness of it all. I’m a long time fan and enjoy all you do.

  • mctwin says:

    My GOD! You do make me laugh! Tee hee hee!

  • after4ever says:

    Man, this is some classic observational journal entry stuff–right up there with the highlights from TN and the Smoking Section. Great to see you back at the keyboard (here). The widdle birdies all sing that much more sweetly for it.

  • Faith says:

    Is it sad that this just made me wish I lived in a town that had 3 delis on one street? In between my apartment and my school in Boston (over 5 years ago, so this may have changed since then…), we had 2 Thai restaurants and 2 Dunkin Donuts. And 1 McDonald’s. And a place that I think was called “The Wrap” that had wrap sammiches that I miss more than anything.

    And my school was only 2 city blocks from my apartment! Can we say “awesome”? I’m in the midwest now…too much room to spread out in to have things so close together like that, dammit.

  • Melissa says:

    Oh, Sars….(wipes tears of laughter from eyes). This has been a tough, tough day here in the heartland, and I sure did need that…Cubs got SNOWED OUT, and we have no real delis, but we’ll soldier on now that you’re back!

  • Laurabelle says:

    Sell the cats by the pound and you may have a burgeoning industry.

  • Samantha says:


    Sars is back!

    I’ve been reading you for years, and so has my best friend. We actually email each other all giddy with excerpts when you update. And you think YOU’RE the nerd? I’ve gotten Vine schwag not once, but twice!!

    Speaking of schwag.. it’s kinda funny. Schwag is what we use down here to refer to crappy Mary Jane.

    Pot Schwag: Bad

    Vine Schwag: Gooooood!

    Keep up the funny. Really. :-)

    Fellow Jersey Girl,


  • Emily says:

    This is hilarious! I love hearing about your cats, and I now also love the deli wars. Great stuff!

  • greer says:

    The sign in front of our bagel shop in downtown Syracuse (called “The Bagel Shop”) should say, ” I will be rude to you tomorrow when you come in to get your coffee because I saw you walking back to your office with a bag from Subway.” Oh, they’d do it, too.

  • Anna C says:

    I used to live on 5th ave up by Flatbush (before the great restaurant invasion) so I love your Park Slope entries the best. I miss broke down Brooklyn delis!

  • Nopenname says:

    This only begs the question…

    Where would one find a roll large enough for Joe?

  • emjaybee says:

    When you said Deli Face-off, I thought it would be a customer v. customer showdown (perhaps a fight over the last cold six pack of mismatched beers in the freezer). and I was kinda looking forward to that.

    But this was good too. I kinda don’t miss NY, because the deli on our corner (hello 10th Ave and 44th!) sucked ass, but I miss the possibility of living near a good one. Someday.

  • Catherine says:

    Faith — The Wrap is still around, only they’ve changed their name to “Boloco,” and now instead of “wraps” they have “burritos.” They’re the exact same wraps they’ve always had, they’re just called burritos now. This mystifies me, because it’s a great place to go for a wrap, but if I want a nice burrito, I’m going to Anna’s Taqueria, for heaven’s sake (or Felipe’s if I’m in Harvard Square). So it went from “Best wrap place ever!” to “Strange and inauthentic burrito place.” I mean, “Bangkok wrap,” yum. “Bangkok burrito”? Eeek.

    Sars, longtime reader here who really digs the new site and is thrilled to see you back in action. I enjoyed this piece a lot. Please keep us up to date on how many offers you get for Little Joe.

  • Laurie says:

    Glad to see the essays again! I was afraid they were gone for good.

    Is that $1 to buy a cat, or you’ll give someone a dollar with each cat if they take ’em off your hands?

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