Articles tagged with: books
I love Rob The Bouncer’s blog. I know I’ve recommended it here, but I will do so again, especially for New York-area people who will read his descriptions of the local Guido talent, choke a …
No, that is not a typo; evidently, this is how they spelled it. Perhaps Jim Jones wanted to evoke some sort of global-village, all-the-peoples-of-God’s-earth vibe — although what Jones wanted, or more accurately, when Jones …
It’s all even in the NL East. Unbelievable. Kay and Leiter can’t get their heads around it; I have to wonder what Darling and Hernandez have to say in the Mets booth. …Well, I know …
Premiere-week hell continues over at TWoP, but we’ve got a boatload of new content going up, including my latest Brothers & Sisters Classic; a weecap of the Chuck pilot, which I really liked a lot …
Idly reading a New York piece in which Mary Gordon and A.M. Homes interview each other about the experience of writing “mother books,” I found two fantastic quotations from Homes that made me sit up …
It’s a meetings-and-deadlines shit show at work for the next few days, so it’s bite-sized content until I can get my breath, but until then…
Maxed Out doesn’t break much ground as far as the documentary …
Seems like Edith Wharton is having a renaissance — the new biography is out (I’ve bought it, but haven’t dug in yet), and Domino had a piece on decorating in the Wharton style, which I …
I wish had some sort of code that let me skip the pledge-period haranguing now that I’ve already donated. Every time I have to restart the audio stream, Brian What’shisnuts is giving me guilt …
Lance Mannion, in the midst of discussing David Halberstam:
One of baseball’s great beauties is that it is played at the speed of a human voice’s ability to keep up. It’s the only team sport that …
Herzog is off-puttingly self-congratulatory, and I wish he hadn’t bothered mentioning all the players he could tell had drug problems if he’s not going to name some damn names, and I know it’s the fashion …