Articles tagged with: etiquette
My ex-boyfriend and I broke up over a year ago, and have been friends
since shortly after. We talk all the time via IM and email, but
whenever I invite him to hang out, he gets weird …
Hello, Sars — and Un-Dad:
As a veteran of fourteen years of financial aid woes — myself, plus seven siblings, eight cousins and many friends — there are a few things about financial aid Un-Dad, and …
Sars —
I wanted to write to respond to “Bewildered Friend” whose friend
suddenly and unexpectedly lost her mother.I am 24 years old.Six weeks
and six days ago, my father died of a massive heart attack.He was in
perfect …
Dear Sarah,
My apologies for the verbosity, but this will require some backstory. I graduated from college four years ago; my college best friend, Green, graduated a year later. Throughout college, Green experienced significant difficulty with …
Here is my problem.I hate my ex-girlfriend.I am a cranky person,
but not prone to hate, so this is very nervous-making for me.I hate
her.I think about her and rage builds.
Here’s the dealie-oh: I broke up with …
The responses to the “Hispanic vs. Latino” question came in pretty much like I thought they would — some people distinguished between them by saying that “Hispanic” applies to folks from Spain originally, and “Latino” …
Querida Sars,
As I have expressed many times in my fan-mail, I adore your site and think
The Vine should be adapted into a relationship handbook. Usually, my daily
glance at The Vine gives me plenty of laughs …
My sister taught me this foolproof single comment for
when you see a friend in really bad theater: “I’m so glad I got to see you in this!”
So vague, and in a bad way, true.
I’m sure …
Sars, I’m an attorney and a long-time reader.I’m not a collections attorney by a long shot, and since I don’t know where “Stiffed in the Sun City” lives, I can’t advise her on the specifics …
Hey Sars,
You kids today.No one uses the telephone anymore?The advice to
Parentheses was good, but it seems to me that the technology involved might
be part of the problem.With the avalanche of emails I receive daily just
trying …