Articles tagged with: kids
Hi Sars,
Add me to the countless people who felt the just had to fire up Outlook to respond to your advice to NNV. I actually agree with you whole-heartedly, but I had to add this: …
After my last essay, a few of you might wonder why I’ve chosen to write about kids not once but twice in one week when 1) I don’t have any and 2) I don’t particularly …
I hope, one of these days, when the Human Genome Project has finished the important work of isolating the genes that cause breast cancer and heart disease and birth defects and whatnot, and perhaps treated …
I’ve been so impressed with your Vine advice that I’ve sometimes wished I had a problem just so I could see what you would tell me to do. Now I have that problem. Wishes suck.
I …
Dear Sars,
Anyway.So here’s the deal.I’m 26, well-educated, relatively normal on most accounts.I don’t have a boyfriend, nor have I ever (I’ve been overweight all of my life).Now, I’m not one of those I’m-all-about-marriage chicks, but …
My first thought on reading Going for Family Gold’s letter was that she isn’t so much concerned about her in-laws’ treatment of her (which has been going on for years now), but of their grandchild. …
You are so-oooooo right on!
I think Confused in Colorado must be an unquestioning devotee of none other than the Misanthropic Bitch (but I’m sure you already knew that!). It’s sad that people don’t have the …
After your grammar rant, you’re the new hero of my editorial department — so I figured that you’d be a good person to pose this question to.
How, in the name of all that’s holy, does …
I have a problem and no one to talk to about it. Everyone I know is too concerned with their own lives at the moment to give a crap about what I’m going through. So, …
Dear Sars,
I have a question for you, in your infinite grammatical wisdom.I was talking to My Uncle Who Was In Star Wars and My Uncle The Journalist this week (sorry, I only found out about …