Articles tagged with: our friend English
Print it out and post it over your desk. Forward it to a friend. Hand it out to your class. You don’t need my permission; you don’t even have to credit me. Same with this …
I come from a caring, loving family whose company I enjoy. I do not, however, come from a mellow, noncompetitive, “it’s not whether you win or lose” family, because in the Bunting family, winning is …
Back in high school, we had all sorts of little games and short-lived obsessions that we’d use to pass the time until we could get the hell out of there — like “Loungerama,” a daily …
Yearbook pages followed a strict blueprint at my high school. Mrs. McPherson gave us a square of blue graph paper, and a couple of weeks later we brought it back to her, a professional photo …
Slut — 1: a slovenly woman : SLATTERN 2a: a lewd woman; esp : PROSTITUTE b: a saucy girl : MINX
Ah, “slut.” A compact little word, forceful even in the way it sounds, starting out …
I try not to get snitty about the crappy English usage of other people. I breathe in through my nostrils and slowly out again with my mouth shaped like an “o,” reminding myself that not …