Articles tagged with: The Crushed Film Festival

by John “the Couch Baron” Ramos
The Movie: The 24th Day
The Crush Object: Scott Speedman
The Story: Dan (James Marsden) is out at a bar with his hag friend (Sofia Vergara), whom he puts in a cab …

by Sarah D. Bunting
The Movie: Side Out
The Crush Object(s): Peter Horton
The Story: Aspiring lawyer and college basketball star Monroe Clark (Howell) comes to L.A. to make his fortune in his rich uncle’s foreclosure business…but winds …

by Joe Reid
The Movie(s): Ready to Rumble and Boiler Room
The Crush Object: Scott Caan
The Story: Rumble: Two glorified retards (Caan and David Arquette) set out to help their favorite pro wrestler (Oliver Platt) win his …

by John “the Couch Baron” Ramos
The Movie: The Rules Of Attraction
The Crush Object: Ian Somerhalder
The Story: Even calling it “a story” is being generous, but basically, it’s about several self-absorbed college students who drink and …

by Mark Blankenship
The Movie: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
The Crush Object: Jude Law
The Story: Reporter John Kelso (John Cusack) thinks he’s got a simple assignment in Savannah, Georgia: cover a rich eccentric’s …

by Sarah D. Bunting
The Movie: Turk 182!
The Crush Object: Timothy Hutton
The Story: When his firefighter brother Terry (Robert Urich) gets hurt saving a little moppet from a blaze while intoxicated (Terry is intoxicated, not the …
The Crushed Film Festival is a series of pieces in which I and various colleagues admit to/review films we saw because, and pretty much only because, an actor or actress we had a crush on …