Articles tagged with: you can’t spell “readers” without “rad”

Okay, that’s actually in Yeadon, but here’s the point: I’m heading to Philadelphia and environs. Meet-up?

And you made it exciting! With just minutes to spare, you raised those last bucks to get to 50K. This is no surprise to me, mind you — but as usual, I’m very proud of …

Talk about sparkly: as of this writing I’m seeing $27,504 donated, almost twenty-one thousand students reached, and 192 projects funded! Lissen lissen lissen: I LOVE YOU GUYS! Keep it going! More than halfway to that 50K …

Put your heads on my shoulder: $24,331 at this writing, with almost nineteen thousand students reached and 172 projects completed! Almost halfway there: remember, 50K gets you a prom.

12:01 AM, Day 11
Another fine performance, friends (echoed by Johan Santana’s no-no earlier this evening). About four and a half thousand on the day, which is fantastic, and I know our WV targets appreciate it.
I …

11 AM
Yay! We’re already up to nearly a thousand thanks to some matching madness out of MN. Thanks, M. Giant, M. Edium, and Trash. And M. Edium’s generosity is not yet exhausted! Scroll down for …

5 PM
All righty, Nation. Donations have been a liiiiiiittle casual so far today; we haven’t broken a thousand bucks and we still have 7 full projects to complete if we want to get that 1K …