Articles tagged with: you can’t spell “readers” without “rad”

10 PM update
$64,834 at the moment; almost 3K on the day! It’s tough to sustain that initial pace, and anecdotal evidence suggests to me that some of you still have paychecks to wait for and …

7: 30 PM update
$56,750. Damn good first five days, Nation. We’ve got a 1K match coming at 66K — but this is sometimes the hard part. This is sometimes where it feels like a boulder …

noon update
$14,412! Good job, super-friends. (Even better? I had to update this total thrice while writing the entry!)
Administrative notes: I’ve updated the site FAQ with contest-specific answers, so please give it a read, especially …

Towards the beginning of Davis Guggenheim’s fantastic, bleak, motivating Waiting for Superman, Geoffrey Canada tells a story about…well, waiting for Superman, and how bereft he felt as a child when his mother had to inform …

If you thought I’d forgotten all about the TN Fall Classic, well, I’ve got news for you: I…kind of did. Okay, not really, but other things (the studio, the N Candy AA, the painting project …