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Home » The Vine

The Vine: October 23, 2009

Submitted by on October 23, 2009 – 12:53 PM6 Comments

Hey, Sars. I’m looking for a young-adult book that probably came out in the mid- to late ’80s.I remember very little about the book, but the details, I think, should stand out to anyone who’s read it: the main character is involved with her high school paper and refers to two girls as “Sure” and “Fine,” because that’s pretty much all they ever said.

She has a thing for a (new?) guy who is also on the paper, and thinks one of the “Sure and Fine” girls is her rival for his attentions.I’ve tried in other places where I was positive I’d get an answer, but still nothing.Help?


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  • Natalie says:

    I don’t recall the two girls, but the protagonist in “Dear Lovey Hart, I Am Desperate” by Ellen Conford works for her school paper and crushes on the editor.

  • Becca says:

    Oh my goodness, I think I read this and now I’m blanking on the title. Is the girl obsessed with Burt Reynolds?

  • Katie says:

    Is it Don’t Blame the Music by Caroline B. Cooney? “Sure” and “Fine” sound vaguely familiar, and I think the main character in that book was on the school newspaper. There was a romantic subplot, but I can’t remember if the guy was on the newspaper or not.

  • Soylent says:

    I can’t provide anything useful, but I so want to read the book Becca suggests.

  • Alana says:

    Natalie: Someone’s suggested that to me before and I’m pretty sure that’s not it, but I’ll grab it from my library this week to be sure.

    Becca: MAYBE! My spide–er, book sense is tingling!

    Katie: According to Amazon, _Don’t Blame the Music_ sounds…like something I wouldn’t forget. This book was totally fluffy, like Jill and Toni fluffy. That book doesn’t sound fluffy at all. But I’ll see if the library has it.

  • Katie says:

    No, Don’t Blame the Music definitely wasn’t fluffy. And actually, after looking it up on Amazon, it was the yearbook, not the newspaper.

    “Sure” and “Fine” sound really familiar, though. I feel like I’ve read that book, too, so I’m dying to know what it is!

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