Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
I’d never seen the 1933 version, and honestly, I can’t tell you to bother; if you do, feel free to skip parts, because at an hour and 45 minutes, it’s just too long, and you’re …
Blech. Confusing, dull, and overly PC. Edward Norton’s character is kind of interesting, but once he dies, snoozerama. (9/8/06)
A documentary about the shooting deaths of two Puerto Rican teenagers in the Bronx, and how the cops probably weren’t justified.It’s a little thin, but worth watching for the part where one kid’s mother totally …
Oliver Stone frequently drives me nuts, but he’s a technical master, and I enjoyed JFK — even at the endurance-testing director’s-cut length of 206 minutes. Okay, the closing arguments sequence at the end felt far …
It’s fine. It’s not that good, but it’s fine. It is, however, too long, and the character “development” we see towards the end doesn’t make sense, at all; it’s all told to us instead of …
It reminded me a lot of Day for Night (and starred one of the same guys) and is really fun to watch. This is going to sound dismissive, but one of the things I like …
You know, I don’t want to hang out with Russell Crowe, but I have to say, having finally seen this, that he legitimately got robbed for the Oscar that year. I liked this pretty well, …
I went to see it because Dennis Quaid is a fox, so it didn’t have to work that hard to impress me. That said, it’s a strange little movie — a lot of stuff gets …
Having not seen Capote, I can’t really speak to the similarities, but I liked the first half of this very much; the second half seemed a little bit on-the-nose to me, like the movie didn’t …
What can I say that hasn’t been said. Yeah, the “message” is a little heavy-handed, but you could really make that complaint about any of the Pixar films; it never bothers me. And Dash is …