Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
It’s fine. It’s not that good, but it’s fine. It is, however, too long, and the character “development” we see towards the end doesn’t make sense, at all; it’s all told to us instead of …
It reminded me a lot of Day for Night (and starred one of the same guys) and is really fun to watch. This is going to sound dismissive, but one of the things I like …
You know, I don’t want to hang out with Russell Crowe, but I have to say, having finally seen this, that he legitimately got robbed for the Oscar that year. I liked this pretty well, …
I went to see it because Dennis Quaid is a fox, so it didn’t have to work that hard to impress me. That said, it’s a strange little movie — a lot of stuff gets …
Having not seen Capote, I can’t really speak to the similarities, but I liked the first half of this very much; the second half seemed a little bit on-the-nose to me, like the movie didn’t …
What can I say that hasn’t been said. Yeah, the “message” is a little heavy-handed, but you could really make that complaint about any of the Pixar films; it never bothers me. And Dash is …
I’d heard great things, and it almost lived up to them. Wonderful cast, a rare likable performance from Claire Danes — it’s very good, but when it was over I had to wonder why, what …
I really liked it. The whole MPD thing is kind of a cheat, I think, and it’s clearly not earned, but 1) I didn’t see it coming at all, and 2) the lead-up is really …
I spent the entire movie cringing.It’s really really good, though, and an accurate depiction of a Jersey subculture without mocking it too much, which is probably a hard temptation to resist.All the acting is wonderful, …
It’s too slow and talky for my taste, too much telling, and it felt like certain characters had real promise but weren’t developed into three dimensions. The acting is good, although George C. Scott lacks …