Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Please, please, Sars, point “Speechless” with the dad with the drinking problem to Al-Anon or Alateen. She needs community as much as the advice you gave her. Also if you could, please point her to …
Today’s entry concerns office supplies, and I had really hoped to find away to start it off other than a Seinfeldian query along the lines of “What is the deal with office supplies?” But…what is …
Sars, I need advice. Back in high school, my best friend was a girl I’ll call K. Fast forward three years, and at this point K and I have not spoken in about a year. …
Hey Sars,
It’s very possible a lot of your readers are going to scoff at my problem, but I’ve had it. I’m 20 and have been married for two years. My husband is the only man …
Sars —
Here’s the deal. I have this friend, we have known each other since junior high. We lived together in college, traveled to Europe together — in short, she’s my best friend, and we used …
Okay, see…it’s about the snoring. Yes, “your snoring.” Who else’s snoring would I — well, actually, you do snore. Yeah, you do. Yeah…you do. No, see, trust me. You snore. All right, maybe you think …
Righto. So, I’m an upperclasswoman at a very small university in the South. A year ago, my steady boyfriend since high school and I broke up, leaving me single and free — free to be …
Hi Sars —
Love the site, love The Vine, need some advice on a matter I’d rather discuss with a neutral party.
Two months ago, my husband and I got an eight-week-old foxhound — I’ll call her …
A few months back, you published a query from my sister who was wondering whether or not to leave her husband, who was abusive. I believe the main concern in her letter was what would …
The level of meaningless crap you have to deal with is way lower on this side. It’s like the number one thing that I would recommend about dying — okay, I don’t recommend dying, you …