Articles in Baseball
Thank you so much for your answer to Vegan. I’ve been a vegetarian my entire 40 years (not a vegan — need the cheese) so certainly qualify to comment. In those 40 years I’ve inadvertently …
Dear Sarah,
I have a problem with a co-worker. Or to be more precise, she has a
with me.
We are both members of a small, close-knit department.
Although she
is senior to me in age and status in the …
You are the best person to answer my problems as they are about grammar and the Yankees.Yay for you!
1. I’m writing this guy to tell him some documents are missing from a package he sent …
Dear Sars,
The letters over the past couple of weeks have made me want to ask a baseball expert a question that I’ve been thinking about for a long while now.And please, let me be clear …
Hey Sars,
Far be it from me to suggest anything that favors Dubya, but your response
regarding the Electoral College skipped over the one thing that I feel comes
most closely to justifying its existence.Were we to rely …
Dear Sars,
I have a suggestion for BHL, who was asking for ways to help her favorite
causes.The Cancer Council of Australia had “Night In” week last week, the
idea being that you get a group of people …
And now, BSD on The Curse…
Dear Cupped Candles,
“The Curse.”Ahhhh, two words I hope to never hear again by the end of this weekend.As to what it is, there’s really no official definition to what it.I …
Hello! I love your writing, both on TN and The Vine — I’ve even gotten my
mom hooked on your essays.
I have a handful of comments and a couple of questions, all of which are
more-or-less related …
Dear Sars,
I’m a big fan of all your sites, and I also really agree with your stance that it’s okay for fans of other teams to berate Yankees fans, but the other direction is not …
Dear Sars,
So how ’bout that security last night at Yank-me Stadium???
Love always,
Bill Simmons’s Dad
Dear BSD,
I would like to apologize to you on behalf of Yankee fans, New Yorkers, and humanity for last night’s total horror …