Articles tagged with: Asirda

Head-banging synchronized with synthesizer chords compliments of Europe. $266,851 compliments of Tomato Nation, Asirda, HP, Jenn and Wiley, and $ and His Mysterians.
And like the little green Jedi once said…there is another.
A gentleman …

Marvelous news on the match front! Asirda is as psyched about the HP percentage drive as you guys — so if you can get to $120,000 by 10 PM ET on Sunday, Asirda will …
Should happen in just a few minutes; $99,815 as I write this. Congratulations and thanks to all of you (and Asirda, who’s an inspirational strategist as well as a generous matcher).
We’ve still got some work …
90K: A Short, Yelly Play by Sarah and Asirda
…$90,000. Shortly: $98,000. A 6K gap closed in about 6 hours.
Please take a moment to think about …

Everybody listen up: I HAVE AWESOME MATCH NEWS.
Bulletin #1: The Great And Powerful Asirda is so impressed (and touched) by your accomplishments thus far that she’s become inspired to increase the amount of her next …

Well, well, well. $81,274! The thanks of a grateful Nation go to $ and His Mysterians for the 5K match we got at $75,000 — and of course to all 740 of you who …

I just said a mouthful!
An odd and an end first: 1) my review of Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is up on Monkey See — great read, as usz (Kinney, not …
Talented and generous readers Helena and Julia have offered us today’s mini-prize — blind the kids with science, and you could win one of six (6) holiday-card packs from The Spotted Sparrow!
How it works: donate …