Articles tagged with: feline fun times

I went back to Chao Camp at midday. AB had tried to text me to say that Mad Chao was getting sprung from the clink, but I’d left my phone at Chao Camp, and my …

Barfed on: my notes for a recap of the two-part 21 Jump Street pilot; a catalog from Costume Express whose back page pictures a tween girl in a slutty-goblin outfit; a final-issue notice from Star …

I thought, at this late date, that I’d heard pretty much every meow the cats had to offer. Aggrieved “yes, there’s kibble in my bowl, but you have to come watch me eat it” wail? …

1) The Boosh, who has just departed for her new home with 2) Miss Laura. Yay for both of them! And thanks again to 3) Elena at S.I. Feral Initiative, and to all …

I have another foster cat. Her provisional name is “the Tiny Boosh” (her silly shelter name is “Babooska [sic],” which obviously could not stand), but “La Bouche” is equally appropriate, as girlfriend weighed only …
Sadie The Cat-Tormenting Tomato.
Anticlimactic, kind of, because the padding in the tomato suit radically reduces the risk of injury, but I said I’d do it, so: done.
And I’d like to tell you my apartment …

Awww. The tsar is doing very well; his thyroid is back to functioning at normal levels, and he’s even put on some weight. Thanks for the update, Leila and Matt.
I cannot stop laughing. Cannot! I don’t know if it’s the blur of angry pets, the “okay, here’s the thing: NO SIR” expression on the lefthand cat’s face, or what, but 1) that …

From our faithful cat-placement correspondent Nacho:
Nate went to his new family on Friday. Like the ridiculously perfect kitty heis, he didn’t even make a chirp during the car ride. (He doesn’t meow; hechirps.) …