Articles tagged with: friendships

“H” and I have been friends for seven years. For the first four, we were very close; then I moved schools and we both went to university, so we saw each other less often, but …

My best friend is just that because she’s fun, honest, caring, and a truly good person. I know I can count on her for…well, almost everything.
Here’s the thing — BF believes she can’t have a …

Backstory: childhood best friend and I have been good friends for about 23 years now. We were in preschool together, most of the same classes until we graduated high school, sleepovers, the whole “golden childhood …

This is one of those “some friendships have a lifespan” problems, I suppose. Years ago, when I was at secondary school, I was friends with L. We were really close, but being teenagers we fell …

This is a question about a friend and money.
A coworker and I developed a friendship that was very work-based. We chatted at work, emailed throughout the day, left for staff meeting early to share a …

Now with follow-up info! — 10/17/11
I have a wedding-related conundrum, and I hope you (and the illustrious Vine readership) can help me figure out the best course of action.
My dear friend B just got engaged …

I’m about to graduate from grad school, which is great, but I’ve got a bit of a problem.
I’ve been commuting between two cities (4.5 hours apart) for almost two years, every week, because when …

I have a problem regarding a friend’s wedding. Friend, whom I’ll call “Barbara,” is getting married in a month and I have to decide if I’m going.
Barbara is a co-worker of mine and decided …

I’m having a bit of a sticky situation with my best friend and while it’s usually me giving the advice, I decided that maybe I needed another insight.
First off, I should establish that the …

Hi Sars! I have a friend in Cobble Hill who just had a baby (yay!). My usual gift to new parents is a gift certificate for take-out food, for a night when they just cannot …