Articles tagged with: friendships
In response to “Maybe She’s A…’Tard”‘s letter, I can offer a little extra advice. As a writer who has never managed to complete his degree for similar reasons (though, rather than telling folks I couldn’t …
After reading a letter from High School Heartache, I felt compelled to write and share with all those prematurely grown-up high schoolers some advice from the heart. I’ve been there. I’m smart, fairly good-looking, very …
Sars, I need advice. Back in high school, my best friend was a girl I’ll call K. Fast forward three years, and at this point K and I have not spoken in about a year. …
Hey Sars,
It’s very possible a lot of your readers are going to scoff at my problem, but I’ve had it. I’m 20 and have been married for two years. My husband is the only man …
Sars —
Here’s the deal. I have this friend, we have known each other since junior high. We lived together in college, traveled to Europe together — in short, she’s my best friend, and we used …
Hi Sars —
Love the site, love The Vine, need some advice on a matter I’d rather discuss with a neutral party.
Two months ago, my husband and I got an eight-week-old foxhound — I’ll call her …
I am a recovering anorexic — whatever that means. Basically, I see no difference between my “recovering” self and my “anorexic” self, except that I have small periods of time where I remain in my …
I have mixed feelings about my relationship with my stepfather — here’s the
Mom and Stepfather marry when I’m nine. I’m very close to SF throughout my
life — he coaches my sports teams, helps pay for …

Dear Sars,
I have a problem. I am almost 16 years old, and my mom is way beyond driving me nuts. You see, my mom obsesses on things. She usually obsesses on small things — like, …
Dear Sars,
I have an odd problem and can’t think of what to do.I just returned
from a visit with one of my best friends.She has a lovely home.My
last morning there, I made the mistake of glancing …