Articles tagged with: hilare
Reader Lori S. tipped me to International Respect For Chickens Day, which I very dis-respectfully missed (it was yesterday). United Poultry Concerns does have a store, if you would like to purchase a chicken-themed shirt …
Thanks to Reader Anne S. for tipping me to the new Film Four ad — in which Ewan McGregor is wearing a tomato costume! Looks pretty cute in it, too, although I think the hat …
Our shoplifting friend is finally back.
‘Tis the season once again for headline fun with the word “bunting” — but while today’s does have a baseball subject, the bunting in question is not the effecting of an infield hit, but the …
The genius behind “Wake Up Cat” is back with “Let Me In.” Miss Alli had it on in the bullpen, and I heard that distinctive “mrow” and without even looking up asked her, “‘Wake Up …
Hee. (Well, as long as no chickens were harmed.)
In case you haven’t seen the Tom Cruise Scientology-recruiting clip show that’s circulating these here Webs of inter-ness, you really owe it to yourself to check them out.Erin (or, as I like to call her, …

When it hens, it pours: reader Ken R. hepped me to the This American Life episode from a week ago called “Poultry Slam,” and I haven’t listened to it yet, but I can’t wait to …
Woo hoo!
Super-thanks to my bro for cutting the footage so fast. Super-non-thanks to my chins for…being myriad, and to myself for not wearing makeup in the morning. Man is that hat unflattering.
The dance itself is …
people not named Will Forte who thought I was an apple: 5
people not named Will Forte who asked if I forgot what day Halloween is/was dressing up late: 6
times Will Forte did each of those …