Articles tagged with: Johan Santana

Mets fans know a fellow terrible team when we see it — and the Astros are shaping up to be a legendarily awful club in 2013. But not according to John Yarbrough, a lifetime fan …

12:01 AM, Day 11
Another fine performance, friends (echoed by Johan Santana’s no-no earlier this evening). About four and a half thousand on the day, which is fantastic, and I know our WV targets appreciate it.
I …

Welcome back to Out With The Crowd, and our first foray into the National League. Joining us is TN reader and Colorado fan Leigh Bingham; we discussed Jimenez v. Tulo, pantsless mascots, porous defense, and …

In this installment of Out With The Crowd, I talked with TN/baseball regular commenter — and level-headed Red Sox fan — BSD about Cherington agonistes, chicken tattletales, and stabilizing douchebags. We spoke on April 21 …

Wow. WOW.
I feel bad for Braves and Sox fans, I do. God knows I understand what it’s like to watch a team floundering (although, when you give up hope of contending in, like, the 1800s, …

A few, hopefully quick, thoughts on the Mets and the trade deadline hereā¦
As Bean aptly put it in a text last night about the K-Rod trade, “Alderson is ninja.” I didn’t have any opinions about …

The Squared Up Podcast returns at last! Our first 2011 broadcast features Jill Stempel, a.k.a. “Bean,” who’s responsible for my reversion to Mets fandom. We remain friends despite this. Heh.
Episode 2 is Mets-heavy, and topics …

“So long, suckers.”
I’ve just heard on the radio that the Mets have officially let GM Omar Minaya and manager Jerry Manuel go. This had to happen, but it won’t change anything, because the problem is …