Articles tagged with: Mr. Stupidhead

Jane Misha Bunting, born 16 September 2014, 10:10 AM, seven pounds, one ounce; and her favorite aunt.

I’d never thought of our next nominee as a poppy-fields movie, but damned if nominatrix NJ doesn’t make a case.

As torn up as I have been by so many of the others, I really don’t have a dog in this flight. Well, except for McVitties Plain Chocolate Digestives, which I do love.

And we end the prelims on a doozy. So many worthwhile votes! So many multiple-nomination entries!
So, let’s start with the popular contenders. Boys Don’t Cry is almost flawless as a film; I can’t think of …

Testing the revulsive/retroperistaltic coefficients of Lester’s Fixins sodae. Subjects included Sweet Corn, Buffalo Wing, Coffee, and Bacon flavors. One (1) test reel corrupted. Report filed by Drs. S. Douglas and D. Gardner Bunting.

Today’s write-ups by Sarah D. Bunting. To vote, scroll down; to see the bracket, click here. We’ll leave these open a few days, so tell a friend (or queasy enemy).
Remember: This time, you’re voting for the food …

Polar cleavability, amplitude, and thermo-expansion tests at the B.A.R.F. Watch now!