Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
…at percent 66. Well done, lads and lasses. Very well done indeed. About 12K to go before we hit the initial goal.
In the meantime: ping-pong.
Hi Sars,
I want to break up with my live-in boyfriend but I don’t know how.
Let me explain to you how I got where I am now. First, the practical stuff: M and I met …
55 percent. That’s close to twenty thousand dollars. In 27 hours.
Y’all don’t fuck around, do you.
What a coincidence, neither do I. Time for another mini-prize! Let’s tackle some classroom supplies. Receipts forwarded to me for …
As of this writing: 37 percent.
(When I started writing the post? 36 percent. I love it when that happens.)
A few administrative notes….
1. Check out the leaderboard. Words fail me.
2. The following people need to stop …
(not a MSCL quote)
Eighteen percent already.In fourteen hours.That?Is awesome.
I’d love to talk more about your awesomeness, but I have to go measure the bathroom stalls down the hall to see if the tomato costume is …
Aw, Mr. Katimski.
I put up the contest, I went to bed, I got up, and what do you know, as of this writing we’ve got 4% of the official goal and three (3) projects already …
I didn’t really want to see Eastern Promises. I didn’t absolutely not want to see it, but seriously, I have such Little Viggo fatigue right now — every single article and review about the movie …
Seems appropriate to kick things off with the whispered words from the MSCL theme: the contest has begun.
The permanent contest page is here (or just look to your right; it’s at the top there).Feel …
Evidently the fine folks at Distortrait can smell what the GBC is cooking — they’ve put Kiefer on a girls’ bike.
That goes on a t-shirt, I’d better be getting one free. Thanks to reader Elle …
Hey Sars,
Yet another help-me-find-this-book question for the readers, if you don’t know off the top of your head. A book intended for probably the 12-14 audience, or slightly older. Some kind of post-apocalyptic scenario where …