Articles in The Vine
Hi Sars,
The show your reader is thinking of is, I think, Hull High.
I’ve never seen or heard of it, but I get paid to find things on the
Internet (essentially) and, like any good researcher, can’t …
Hi Sars,
I am a Canadian who lives in the Washington, DC area, and has been living in
the States now for nearly six years. During that time, I have sporadically
looked for a) a financial planner who’s …
Dearest Sars,
I tried to pare it down as much as possible, but this doesn’t just involve one boy, it involves two.And they’re twins.
A couple of weeks ago, I went out with B, a guy I …
Dear Sars,
I have a friend problem.
Brief backstory: my friend Kim was one of my English professors in undergrad, and we currently live 12 hours apart. The problem: Kim is terrible about keeping in touch and …
Dear Sars,
Okay, quick background — 27, virgin, all-around good-girl. I don’t smoke,
don’t drink, don’t do drugs, and have absolutely no intention of ever
starting (religious and family reasons). I just moved out on my own (yeah
me!) …
I have a grammar question for you.Over the last week I’ve been hearing the same radio commercial for Brokeback Mountain‘s DVD release.It includes a phrase that has troubled me grammatically and since I am not …
Hey Sars,
This is mostly an academic question about etiquette. My boyfriend and I have talked about marriage, but it’s still quite a ways off in the future (and yes, as such, I shouldn’t be worrying …
Oh Tomato Queen,
I am 24 and living with an awesome guy after many years of crappy
boyfriends. We are very happy so no problems there. This situation relates
to his mother. She is not trying to plan …
Hi Sarah,
You get a lot of letters like the one from “Stuck on step zero” and having been
in a similar situation I’d like to suggest the United Way’s as a
great resource. They generally can …
Dear Sars,
I have a problem I thought I’d settled but I keep waffling on what I want to do about it, so I need someone logical like you to kick me in the ass about …